Sep 282010

tea-partier1 The video you are about to see, which I found at TPM, is filled with pseudo-Christian bigotry and intolerance.  Nevertheless, it is instructive, because it demonstrates the way Republicans propagandize Teabaggers.  Note how the speaker tells the Teabaggers over and over again that these are their own ideas.  The next time Teabaggers lie that nobody has told them what to say and think, remember this.


I won’t list the many calls for genocide and reasons for the death penalty listed in the Old Testament that Teabaggers so clearly worship.


  4 Responses to “How Teabaggers Learn What to Say and Think”

  1. I love how that little statue with wings that sits on a shelf behind Terry is positioned so when that jackass stands up it actually makes him look like he has donkey ears. πŸ˜†

  2. Personally I think all the foolishness of mankind is coming to an end and to be perfectly honest I hope it is one quick big bang by the hand of God that destroys this place because if we leave it to ourselves it will take forever for us to kill one another in tens and twenties. As offensive as this ass is he is no less offensive than a Wahhabi Imam in Saudi Arabia preaching the same evil to an equal number of fools who know only how to follow.

  3. Ugh. Terry’s laugh at 4:03 made me nauseous. He and his flock should apply the same scrutiny to their own holy text.

  4. Tried to watch. Couldn’t get past 53 seconds.

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