Sep 262010

Yesterday I caught up on comments, returned visits, and visited over half of our blogroll.  It feels quite strange to be ahead of the game.  I also wrote a recommendation for parole for a man, who I recruited in 1998, while I was still a prisoner, to facilitate a self-help program I had written.  His hearing is next month, and I am hopeful, because I watched him learn and change over the years.  Back to blog matters, today is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, so I’ll be spending the day in NFL meditation. πŸ˜‰

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:48.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From News Hounds: On Friday (9/24/10), the long-time head of CNN was ousted and replaced by Ken Jautz, the head of CNN’s sister channel, HLN. But considering Jautz’ history – he’s the man who brought Glenn Beck to television and described him as "self-deprecating, cordial… not confrontational" – the appointment does not bode well for the future of cable news.

I think I’m going to throw up.

From TPM: Short on friends and low on funds, Colorado Republican gubernatorial nominee Dan Maes has resorted to name-calling. In a radio interview on KHOW yesterday, he called third-party candidate and infamous immigration fear-monger Tom Tancredo an "illegal immigrant" in the gubernatorial race.

I love it when Republican bigots won’t share the sand-box  with each other.

From Daily Kos: A week from today, hundreds of thousands of Americans will join each other in Washington, D.C., in a demonstration organized by One Nation Working Together to renew the effort to build a movement, a grassroots movement, that is not dependent solely on supporting a political party to obtain its goals, but that also recognizes the need to elect effective progressive leaders at every level of government.

I fully support this idea and wish the event were here.

Cartoon: from


Ahmadinejad is what happens when the Republican Tea Party takes over a nation.


  6 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/26/2010”

  1. “Ahmadinejad is what happens when the Republican Tea Party takes over a nation.”

    If we let them.

  2. What was the reason for the replacement? Anyone that brought Glenn Beck to TV is quite the complete asshole.

    I love it when Repubs eat their own. Trancredo railed against running for third party and now he’s doing it. What a douche.

    Is this the John Stewart movement of something else?

    You got that right on your cartoon!

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