Sep 242010

Yesterday I kept up with comments before going out to the training meeting related to my volunteer work.  I returned home about the time I normally wake up to do research, so Iā€™m running on a one hour cat nap and need tooth picks for my eyes.  Today will depend on how much sleep I get and how I feel, but I have Saturday set aside for visiting blogs.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:51.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?  (Have at me, Jerry.  This should be an easy win.)

Short Take:

From San Diego Examiner: The congressional stalemate on the small business lending bill, H. R. 5297, ended today at 3:03 pm. The House approved the amended bill by a vote of 237 to 187.

Only one Republican voted yes.

This the one I said was a sure thing, and at last, after months of Republican obstruction, it can go to Obama for his signature.

Cartoon: from




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