Sep 222010

Pick virtually any issue facing America today, and you will find a generous collection of Republican lies on the subject.  Some are actually well-crafted lies, difficult to disprove, but some are so totally over the edge that a fifth grader could expose them, like this one, so why do they do it?

22michelle-bachmann Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., delivered one of her signature hard-hitting speeches at the Values Voter Summit, a conference for socially conservative activists on Sept. 17, 2010. At one point, Bachmann took a shot at the woman who leads her chamber, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

22bachmannpantsPelosi, Bachmann said, "has been busy sticking the taxpayer with her $100,000 bar tab for alcohol on the military jets that she’s flying." Bachmann was referring to the Air Force jets that Pelosi uses to fly internationally and back to her home in San Francisco. (Her Republican predecessor, Dennis Hastert of Illinois, used them as well, under a program approved under President George W. Bush.)

Bachman’s claim drew a rapid counterattack from the Speaker’s office, as aides revived arguments they’d used when the allegation first surfaced months earlier. Among other things, Pelosi’s office noted that the Speaker "does not drink alcohol" and that there "is no alcohol service on the domestic flights the Air Force operates for travel from Washington to San Francisco for the Speaker."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Politifact>

Of course Batshit Bachmann was busted on her lie, as she has been dozens of times before.  So why bother?  Two paradigms come into play here.

First, if Republicans told the truth, nobody would vote for them, except for the richest and most hate filled in our culture.

Second, the Republicans know they are lying and know they are not going to get away with it, but these lies distract attention from the real issue in the upcoming elections: Republicans govern only on behalf of the richest 1%.  If America realizes that, it’s all over.


  2 Responses to “Why Do Republicans Keep Lying?”

  1. Well, that was a shitty thing to say about Nancy, who has governed the House exceptionally well, IMO. Hell, she’s gotten a lot more done than the Senate has, but that’s not saying much. And the thought of Boner as speaker, scares the shit of me. I’m readying my passport for Canada.

    They lie because they think they can get away with it and their supporters are sheeple that believe anything said by Beck, Limpballs and the Repubs say. And those supporters vote. Simple as that. Just look at the talking points they spoke of at Beck’s rally; “I want my country back” was the most quoted comment. Back to where? They are like idiot robots who repeat everything they hear on Faux News without even thinking of the meaning of it. When asked back to “where they were talking about” by a reporter, 90% couldn’t even answer the question. And Faux always issues their “apologies” at 2 am so no one ever sees them.

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