Sep 222010

Yesterday I was feeling pretty down, so I stayed down.  I’m feeling a little better, but not at alll at full speed.  So what I do for catch up is touch and go.  This is normally my volunteer day with a therapy group, but I’m staying home.  When I push it when I’m ill, these things are more likely to set-in for the long haul.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:13.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AP/Google: Senate Republicans on Tuesday moved to strip Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski of her post as top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, further punishing her as she mounts a write-in bid to try to hold onto her seat.

Murkowski already has stepped down from her leadership role in the GOP caucus and could lose her Energy Committee position as soon as Wednesday if the 41-member Republican caucus votes to remove her in a secret ballot.

This is one of those rare occasions in which Democrats should be copying what Republicans do.  LIEberman is way overdue.

From Think Progress: Yesterday, NewsMax posted an interview with Tony Perkins, the leader of FRC and a frequent contributor to CNN. Asked why so many Americans question Obama’s Christian faith, Perkins said myths and conspiracy theories about the President’s faith are not his “problem.” Perkins then furthered the myth that Obama is a Muslim by saying that Obama “claims to be a Christian,” but is actually “advancing the idea of the Islamic religion”.

Why does this show that the Supply-side Jesus set are pseudo-Christians?  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

From TPM: Sen. Carl Levin said this afternoon while there is not an agreement finalized yet, the tax cuts debate could begin as early as Thursday.

He said he believes leadership will allow votes on both the Democrats’ middle-class only position and the Republicans’ plan to freeze tax rates at the Bush-era levels including the rich.

This is a debate we need to have, and to better define it for Republicans we should name the Democratic position The Barack HUSSEIN Obama Tax Cut for the Poor and Middle Classes.

Cartoon: from


Happy hump day!!


  4 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/22/2010”

  1. I hope Princess Lisa is stripped of her post so that my good name can be restored. I doubt the Repubs will do it though. 😈 Lieberdouche is well overdue with his stripping of his Homeland Security Chair. 🙄

    Tony Perkins is an ass. Luckily, the Repubs are stuck on Faux News so they wouldn’t watch the interview.

    I agree that the plan should be re-named, but can we leave out the Hussein part (which means “Beautiful Man” in Islamic cultures)? 😮

    As always, great cartoon with Sarah Palin leading the charge! 😆

    • Don’t be too sure. Republicans tend to be strict enforcers (of party discipline only).


      The reason I included HUSSEIN is to make it stick in Republicans’ throats.

      Thanks. 🙂

  2. 3:19 Makes up for yesterday. 🙂

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