Obama’s Town Hall Meeting

 Posted by at 12:06 am  Politics
Sep 212010

As I am feeling somewhat ill, today’s offering is quite limited.  The truth is that I slept through most of this, so I am not qualified to write a substantive review, but here is the video in seven segments and a link to the transcript.








Transcript: Click Here

I did see just enough to realize one key thing.  This audience contained non-supporters: lots of them.  It was not a Potemkin Village of the type that Republicans universally employ, and I commend Obama for facing his critics.  We would not see such courage from a Republican, because they govern exclusively for the benefit of criminal corporations and the richest 1%. To me, it demonstrates that Obama cares.


  17 Responses to “Obama’s Town Hall Meeting”

  1. What? You mean there were no loyalty pledges to sign in order to attend? Why that’s just – hold on, let me find the right word – that’s just American!

  2. Sorry you’re under the weather. I do think Obama cares. Best of all he’s open to learning.

    Take care of yourself.

  3. TomCat,
    Sorry you’re not feeling well, and I hope you get better real soon. Obama DOES care. His careers as a community organizer and public official prove that abundantly. Oddly enough, though, he has had a difficult time expressing that in a warm and fuzzy way much of the public will relate to. But I have no doubt as to the sincerity or depth of his committment to workers and average citizens. Still, it is frustrating to see him still trying to reach out to Republicans, who thoroughly hate him. THAT is a futile effort, and he should start kicking GOP butt Harry Truman-style!

  4. Get well quick TC!!

    I saw just clips on the news and will come back later to watch your clips, but I just want to say how proud I am of our president for sitting down with his critics and answering the questions with honesty and eloquence, something the right would NEVER do! YAY Mr. President!!

  5. Take care – get well.

  6. For those who have been frustrated and disappointed with Obama, there are two things to keep in mind. First, the number of positive things he HAS accomplished; more than any other president in decades. Secondly, he has done this with NO cooperation form the GOP. They would rather see this administration and the entire country fail rather than join with Obama in doing somthing positive for the good of the country.

  7. Get better Bud! I watched that and supporters who got him elected were angry but I thought it went pretty good!

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon – I can’t go without my daily fix from PP! I thought that the CNBC thing went really well – he addressed all questions well (without a telepromter!) and spoke to the people’s concerns. He has done some really great things – more than any other president in his first 2 years – and he spoke highly of his accomplishments, with NO support for Repubs, I might add. (I hope he gives up this bi-partisan thing – it’s killing him….he can say he tried for 2 years and look at all his accomplishments, but this is KILLING him…not to mention, the Dems compromised for NOTHING…) He looks very tired though – I hope he’s not over doing himself. He gave a speech last night at 11 (his time) and another at 6 in the am (which means he had to get up at 4 am). Luckily, he’s a guy and didn’t have to get up at 3 am for hair and makeup!

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