Sep 182010

Yesterday I kept up with replying to comments, but not with returning visits.  I slept late, and a project I was working on took longer than planned.  I blame Lisa for that. :P  Hopefully I can make it up today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 5:49.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Lefty Bloggers Plus:

Players, don’t forget to set your starters for tomorrows games.

Short Takes:

From CNN: Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who lost in the Republican primary last month, says she will launch a write-in campaign to retain her senate seat.

With two righties in the race, the lefty may actually have a slim chance.

From Think Progress: ThinkProgress has put together a document compiling what we know about Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell in her own words.

How anyone could fit so much garbage between two ears is a wonder.

From Right Wing Watch: In one of the most demeaning parts of a rather outlandish speech, former Pennsylvania Senator and possible presidential candidate Rick Santorum asserted at the Values Voter Summit that families do not exist in poor neighborhoods. [emphasis added]


Jig Zone Puzzle: from


What’s up this weekend?


  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/18/2010”

  1. Yeah, sure, blame me for extra work….blah, blah, blah. My heart bleeds for you, not. 🙄

    Lisa is gonna pull a Lieberman eh? I hope she gets her ass handed to her – corrupt bitch. 😈 I’d laugh my ass off if a Dem won that seat!

    Well better dumb than stupid; stupid (as in Palin’s case) can’t be fixed. I see Ole Christine drinking tea until her mid 80’s when she chokes on a biscuit.

    Notice how the name Santorum is so close to sanitarium? That’s what I called him when he was in the house. The closest to the WH this guy will ever get is being on the gardening team. 😈 And his stupid comment about families not existing in poor neighborhoods proves that he’s never stepped foot outside his lilly white community. Douchebag.

  2. I have good reason to blame you, Lisa. 😉

    So would I. But if a righty wins it, Miller will make a fool of himself in the Senate.

  3. O’Donnell: “I may be Anti-Diddle, but I’m definitely Pro-Dabble!”

    ThinkProgress will need to add to that list because today we learned that O’Donnell “dabbled in witchcraft!” (Folks,you can’t make this shit up.) AND following this revelation, she has now cancelled her scheduled appearances for Sunday on BOTH “Face the Nation” and even “Faux News”

    Bill Maher has the clip from his show where Christine O’Donnell says she’s “dabbled in witchcraft” – and announces he’s going to hold her “hostage” and release more gems from the other 20+ clips [YouTube video] he has of her until she again appears on his show in person.

    O’DONNELL: I dabbled into witchcraft — I never joined a coven – but I did, I did … I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I’m not making this stuff up…..

    One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic alter, and I didn’t know it. I mean, there’s little blood there and stuff like that.… We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a satanic alter.

    • Well, what else do you expect from this crazy whack a doodle? She probably thought she was in a coven, when it really was an oven. Seems she’s got some financial troubles too that has CREW interested and filing a compliant with the FEC. I’ll laugh myself silly if she gets disqualified for running because she didn’t follow FEC rules. She also apparently hasn’t had a job in say 20 years…..hmmm, very suspicious.

      • Well, honestly, I kinda expected the public to recognize what a lying nutjob that Palin is – but that did not turn out like I thought it would.

        Like I said, I’m keeping my Passport current and visa requirements at hand – because if that whack-a-doodle ever made it to the Oval Office, I”m outta here!

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