Sep 162010

Here are the results of the Obama’s Iraq Speech poll:


And here is Lisa’s comment:

I disagreed with his term "disarm a state" comment; THAT was a SOVEREIGN state. We had no business being there. And I told that to many people, including my Republican father, to no avail – he watches Faux News. And if we’re "out" of Iraq how come we still have 50K soldiers there? He mentioned "support Troops" but he didn’t mention how many of them are still over there with flak jackets on everyday.

Him praising the troops was excellent and well worth mentioning the GI bill; this is the price we pay for war. Also, saying that "Americans who agreed and disagreed with the government on this war were equally patriotic". That’s gonna piss off the teabbaggers.


Most of you either liked or loved it.  I disagreed and voted ‘Disliked it’.  Like Lisa, I objected to his statement that the purpose of the war was to disarm a state.  Bush and the Republicans had two purposes.  First was to seize control of the oil.  Second was to secure permanent bases in the Persian Gulf, because  the Saudis pushed us out of our bases in their country.  I also objected to his pandering to Bush, lying about Bush’s patriotism and support for the troops.  Bush was a ChickenHawk, war criminal, not a patriot, who threw our troops under the bus at every opportunity.  For Obama to praise Bush, when failure to prosecute Bush violates US law, was wrong.

Enjoy the new poll, now up.


  2 Responses to “Poll Results – 9/16/2010”

  1. I have no comment on my own comment, but to say that it was dead on. 😆

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