Sep 152010

Yesterday was a great day at the polls for Democrats.  Republicans have catered to insaniTEA and stoked bigoTEA pandering for votes in the most despicable places.  Their misdeeds are coming home to roost.

15Fingers Virtually unknown a month ago, Christine O’Donnell rode a surge of support from tea party activists to victory in Delaware’s Republican Senate primary Tuesday night, dealing yet another setback to the GOP establishment in a campaign season full of them. A second insurgent led narrowly for the GOP nomination in New Hampshire.

O’Donnell defeated nine-term Rep. Mike Castle, a fixture in Delaware politics for a generation and a political moderate. Republican Party officials, who had touted him as their only hope for winning the seat in the fall, made clear as the votes were being counted they would not provide O’Donnell funding in the general election campaign.

She enters the fall campaign as an underdog to Chris Coons, a county executive who was unopposed for the Democratic nomination. The Republican state chairman, Tom Ross, said recently she "could not be elected dogcatcher"…

…In the other marquee race of the night, for New Hampshire’s Republican Senate nomination, lawyer Ovide Lamontagne led former Attorney General Kelly Ayotte, 40 percent to 38 percent [currently 39% to 38%], with votes counted from more than a third of the precincts… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <AP/Google>

Candidate of Glen Beck and Sarah Palin, O’Donnell has a checkered past.  Her former campaign manager from her run against Joe Biden says she used campaign contributions for her personal expenses while campaign workers and bills went unpaid.  So at least in that way, she is a true Republican.  The national party has confirmed that she’s cut off.

Fox gets official word [faux noise delinked] from their bosses at the GOP:

Republican aides told Fox News Tuesday that the National Republican Senatorial Committee will not be funding O’Donnell’s general election campaign, leaving it up to Palin and the Tea Party Express to do the heavy lifting…

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

From the extreme of a woman bent on keeping America from masturbating, the next Republican Nominee, who I featured here, is a racist who loves those bestiality videos.

15paladin Carl P. Paladino, a wealthy Buffalo businessman and first-time candidate, won a stunning and decisive victory over his establishment rival, former Representative Rick A. Lazio, in New York’s Republican gubernatorial primary on Tuesday night.

The victory for Mr. Paladino, whose agitating campaign strategy and attacks against Albany earned him a late surge in the polls, marked the second major triumph on Tuesday night for the Tea Party movement, which backed the businessman against Mr. Lazio, a dyed-in-the-wool Republican mainstay.

The result was a potentially destabilizing blow for New York Republicans. It put at the top of the party’s ticket a volatile newcomer who has forwarded e-mails to friends containing racist jokes and pornographic images, espoused turning prisons into dormitories where welfare recipients could be given classes on hygiene, and defended an ally’s comparison of the Assembly speaker, Sheldon Silver, who is Jewish, to “an Antichrist or a Hitler.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

I wonder if he’ll email O’Donnell! 😉

Andrew Cuomo will flush him.

As a side note, there some great news for progressives.

15Kuster But elsewhere, progressives have a primary victory of their own to cheer. In the Democratic primary to replace Rep. Paul Hodes in New Hampshire’s second congressional district (Hodes is running for the Senate), liberal-backed Ann McLane Kuster clobbered more conservative Katrina Swett. (Swett committed the ultimate crime in progressive-land: she was the co-chair of Joe Lieberman’s presidential campaign.) Kuster was backed by major pro-choice groups, who worried that Swett could not be trusted on abortion rights issues. That mattered. But the race was also a chance for liberals to flex their political muscles… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Mother Jones>

That’s one less DINO to worry about!  Wasn’t this a great day?

Bend over, Republicans.  You’re Teabuggering yourselves! 😀


  18 Responses to “Fingers Forbidden and Other Primary Highlights”

  1. This is not necessary good new for the left except in NH. In the other races you mention here and elsewhere Extreme Rightist Republicans(ERR) can come from behind and eat the lunch of their opponents there is little reason to start counting gained or saved seats on the left side of the aisles. O’Donnell masturbated an extra 60,000 above projected voters out. A dispirited, despoiled, left is motivated for what reason again? Not everyone (well truth be told hardly anyone) watches Washington from barroom or bedroom television sets. Most people do not know and do not care anymore what is happening in Washington and could not tell you why the nightly news occasionally refers to the ERR as the party of no. Other than to be able to say they were reporting what someone called them. The average American could not tell you that Republicans have stalled and fought every single piece of legislation and nominee that could benefit them for political gain if the idea bit them in the ass. We have become a nation of “*shrug* I am too busy trying to figure out where my next meal is coming from to take a 1/2 hour in the cold to vote for anything or anyone.”

    I know for a fact that most of neighbors could care less about the ERR gaining control of the congress because they would only see rough times get rougher and thank Jesus when a scrap of something gets thrown their way. MI could easily go to the RED column for governor this year and it is because no one I ask besides myself and my wife has said they intend to vote. Hell less than half even knew there was a primary much less a midterm general election ahead.

    No I don’t see this as good news unless it spurs people into the sedition of voting and forgiving their own debt to the banks and walking away from the debt they owed (paid for by the bailouts) and let the banks have more toxic assets sitting on their books. Wall Street is basically what this entire election is boiling down to. Are we free or are we slaves. My bet is that people on the left will not show up, the sheep will and them that think they own free men and women will continue to run the country though the likes of Boehner who licks their boots proudly and unashamedly.

    And Everyman? Well he will just have a heavier shackle placed on him making it harder for him to escape the chain that binds him. They will write even more stringent laws preserving the paper wealth of their masters and then the old hippies and boomers will finally see they were set up to implode the many for the few. If anyone reading this has not talked to ten of (at least) of their democrat leaning friends into turning out then you are failing your nation and your citizenship and stewardship of the planet.

    This is the election that matters not the one in two years so you better all get off your asses now or quit. Fight now or lay down prostrate before the wealth you accumulated and has now been stolen from you. For myself I would finding dying for freedom for my fellow citizens of the earth more fun than living in the mass slavery and poverty that ERR and their masters have planned for us. This time you fight by having the courage to walk away from whatever they think you owe them.

  2. I wish I could feel so confident that these teabagging loons are unelectable. O’Donnell probably is, especially since the party won’t be backing her, but Rand Paul has a good shot and he’s much more dangerous. Even the Nevada race is closer than it should be. Teabuggery will cost the Republicans some races, but it’s a marginal effect, not a game-changer.

    The Republican party is not going away and it won’t stay a minority party forever. We can’t afford to have it controlled by crackpots and theocrats.

    • Infidel, the loons are electable. Right now, whether we control the House and Senate will depend on marginal effects.

      The Republican party is already controled by crackpots and theocrats. Most Republican leaders are afraid to take a stand on anything without first kissing the holy golden ring of Rush Limbaugh. The difference is that these crackpots and theocrats are easier to label as such.

  3. Woo hoo!

  4. I don’t think either the House or Senate will fall to the Republicans. The Reich Wing always crows victory no matter what the situation. I have a bit of faith that American voters have a memory of at least two years this time. That said, the struggle against fascism never ends. The Reich is always rising.

  5. I have to agree with the first two comments. For the last year and a half, it’s looked like the Republican Party was coming apart at the seams, the teabaggers were painting the GOP into a corner, etc. And yet poll after poll shows the Democrats getting trounced in November. The teabirthers have pushed the envelope so far to the right, I don’t think a candidate can be “unelectable” just because he/she is a rightwing wackjob.

    • Tom, we have to take these people seriously, but there’s something about midterm polls. The closer electtion day comes, the more prople join the “likely voters” demographic. I know this from my own experience in opinion research. In “regestered voters” polls, Dems have a tiny lead. It’s the “likely voters” demographic where we are in trouble. That will change. Making it change our way, depends on us.

  6. TomCat,

    It’s the Primaries.
    I think Poltitics Plus had become an important and influential site.

    Right at about the time I can’t raise the site through my own web or google.

    Have the Republicans finally gotten to you? Have they snuffed your site?

    Well, there was that old country song:

    Now old Doc Williams had troubles of his own
    He had an ole’ yeller cat who’d never leave home

    Tried everything he knew to keep the cat away
    (Even gave him to a preacher and told him for to stay)
    But the cat came back
    The cat came back the very next day
    The cat came back
    Thought he was a goner but the cat came back
    ‘Cause he wouldn’t stay away…

    But in my paraoia, I think it’s more sinister.
    Like “Rooster”, from old Alice in Chains:

    Ain’t found a way to kill me yet
    Eyes burn with stinging sweat
    Seems every path leads me to nowhere
    Wife and kids, household pet
    Army green was no safe bet
    The bullets scream to me from somewhere

    Yeah they come to snuff the rooster
    Yeah here come the rooster, yeah
    You know he ain’t gonna die
    No, no, no, you know he ain’t gonna die

    Here they come to snuff the rooster
    Ah yeah, yeah
    Yeah, here come the rooster, yeah
    You know he ain’t gonna die
    No, no, no, you know he ain’t gonna die

    Okay. So I’m a dramatist.
    But I think they’re whaling on your site.

    Dastards. Foxy news people.

    Oh-oh. Here you go. I’ve finally gotten into Politics Plus.

    The cat came back!

  7. Ms. No’Fondle (I know how you love these punny names) is how old, never been married, and has never, um, you know? I’d trust her to be a nun, but that’s about it.

    Paladino (can’t think of a punny name that doesn’t degrade horses) always looks like he’s made up for Halloween. Don’t people recognize the evil monster makeup when they see it?

    I hope it goes as poorly for the GOP in November as it should.

  8. JChristine O’Donnell? ust what Delaware and this country does NOT need: another unqualified, naive, narcissistic, obsessed-with-money, supposed moralist who shoots from the hip in the Sarah Palin vein. Where do these idiots come from?

  9. I think it is both good and bad – it can get worse if these crazies DO get elected in the general election. Progressives need to find that enthusiasm from 2008 and hit the polls otherwise the GOP and their base will push their candidates all the way to Washington.

    O’Donnell may not be electable, and the other candidates are working hard to shore up the rest of their parties. I am reminded back to 2008 when polls showed Obama ahead but conservatives still believed a majority of Americans supported McCain. I suspect that same delusional mentality is circulating around the right – the polls show the general electorate don’t like the teabags but the teabags think they are supported by the majority… hmmm….

    • Kevin, as I stated earlier, polls in the midterms don’t start reflectingything valid until mid-Otcober and beyond. We hope for the best and fight to prevent the worst.

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