Democrats Win Big in the Senate

 Posted by at 12:41 am  Politics
Sep 152010

Republican obstruction in the Senate has been so extreme that they have been sabotaging jobs creation, increasing the suffering of American workers, for political advantage.  The Small Business Jobs and Credit Act has been stalled for months due to a Republican filibuster.  Yesterday two Republican Senators, who are retiring, crossed the line and voted their conscience.  They are Senators LeMeiux of FL and Voinovich of OH.  We owe them our thanks.

DemsMopUpGOP Democrats in the Senate advanced a measure to help small businesses on Tuesday, less than two months before they face voters who blame them for an economy still burdened with high unemployment…

…The small business bill, a long-stalled package of lending incentives and tax breaks, is one of the last chances Democrats have to show voters they are working to create jobs and help the economy recover from its worst downturn since the 1930s.

By a vote of 61 to 37, Democrats broke a Republican logjam and moved toward a final vote on the bill, probably by the end of the week. The House of Representatives has already passed a similar version.

Obama urged Congress to send him a final version to sign into law quickly, saying small businesses "have been waiting for Washington to act on this bill for far too long."

If the measure clears Congress, it would be a rare victory on the job-creation front for the Democrats, who have seen many of their other efforts blocked by Republicans this year…

Inserted from <Reuters>

With the Republican filibuster finally broken, there is zero chance that it will fail to pass.


  4 Responses to “Democrats Win Big in the Senate”

  1. There is always a chance that any given piece of legislation does not reach the presidents desk until it gets there, reconciliation still has to occur.

  2. Mark, why such a negative nelly today? It’ll get there.

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