Sep 132010

Yesterday was a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, and I enjoyed the …umm… services, but not before catching up on comments.  I hope to catch up on returning visits today.

Religious Agony:


Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:58.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Boston Globe: The House Republican leader said yesterday that he was prepared to vote in favor of legislation that would let the Bush-era tax cuts expire for the wealthiest Americans if Democrats insisted on continuing the cuts only for families earning less than $250,000 a year.

It looks like Agent Orange blinked.  But really, this is just a ploy tp appear reasonable, because he does not like the accurate perception that he is holding a tax cut for 98% of Americans hostage to get more for the rich.  He knows that, Republicans in the Senate will sabotage the tax cut, unless the rich get most of it.

From Crooks and Liars: I’ve always agreed with Howard Dean’s fifty state strategy where as head of the DNC he felt we should try to get Democrats elected in every district in every part of the country and not to let any races go unchallenged. I never agreed with Rahmbo’s strategy that the way to win in conservative districts is to run Democrats who should have an R behind their name instead of trying to get good progressive candidates elected to those seats. And here’s one reason why. All they do is undermine the party and give the talking heads over at ClusterFox a reason to mock progressives.

I agree with this author, and don’t even mind electing true moderates in conservative areas, but we have too many Bush Dog DINOs.

From Blue Oregon: Dudley kept his car registered in Oregon a full 18 months after moving to Washington. This wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that Washington’s car registration fees were much higher than Oregon’s?

So not only was Dudley gaming the system by claiming to live in Camas to bail on Oregon taxes, he was ducking out on Washington’s system as well.

Here’s more proof that Dudley Do Wrong is wrong for Oregon.

Cartoon: from




  4 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/13/2010”

  1. Agent Orange can’t be trusted with the truth.

    Agreed – too many Blue Dogs – they should be taken out back and shot too – like Newt!!

    What’s with these people – pay what you owe – it’s that simple. Jeez.

    True dat cartoon!

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