I knew that other Republicans would carry the torch, in this case literally, for so-called Rev. Terry Jones, because this outpouring of hatred and bigotry are not the isolated acts of a few wing-nuts. This level of hatred has been promoted by leaders in the Republican party.
First on yesterday:
The United States marked the anniversary of the September 11 attacks on Saturday with commemorative ceremonies and although a pastor had canceled plans for a high-profile protest burning of the Koran, the Muslim holy book was abused in at least three separate incidents.
Hundreds of people in favor and against the building of an Islamic cultural center and mosque near the site of the toppled World Trade Center gathered in New York — hours after ceremonies in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania to mark the attacks nine years ago that killed nearly 3,000 people. The protests were peaceful.
But there were at least two incidents of abuse of the Koran in Lower Manhattan. Separately, two evangelical preachers not affiliated with any mainstream church burned two copies of the Koran in Tennessee.
Florida preacher Terry Jones had outraged Muslims around the world with his plans to burn copies of the Koran on Saturday. Jones, head of a tiny and obscure church in Gainesville, canceled his plans on Thursday.
The plan had triggered outbreaks of violence in Afghanistan in which one protester was shot dead. Thousands of Afghans demonstrated in the northeast of the country for a second day on Saturday.
President Barack Obama and U.S. officials had warned that the burning of the Koran could harm America’s image abroad, endanger lives and act as a recruiting tool for al Qaeda. Muslims view the Koran as the literal word of God, and actual or alleged desecration of the holy book has often sparked protests in the Muslim worldβ¦ [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Reuters>
Note that the woman pictured above, holding a picture of a lived one killed on 9/11, is wearing a chador. The attack in 2001 was as offensive to Muslim Americans as it was to the most rabid Republican pseudo-Christians.
You would think that they would learn or that they would care about the danger they pose for our service people or harm they are doing to our international standing, but no. The Republican litany of hate goes on.
Given the notoriety Terry Jones and his Dove World Outreach church have achieved in the last week, what do you think the chances are that Jones will be invited to speak at a gathering of social conservatives any time soon, or that leading Republican presidential contenders and Congressional leaders would attend a conference hosted by Dove World Outreach?
The chances of that are probably rather slim … but, for some reason, social conservatives and Republican leaders seem to have no problem sharing the stage with anti-Muslim bigot Bryan Fischer at the upcoming Values Voter Summit.
The Summit is being co-sponsored by the American Family Association [bigots delinked], where Fischer is Director of Issues Analysis, and Fischer is scheduled to be a featured speaker [bigots delinked] along with the likes of Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMint, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Bob McDonnell, Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and others.
Would any of these leaders be willing to share a stage with Terry Jones? If not, then why are they sharing a stage with Fischer, who has declared that all Muslims should be banned from serving in the military, that all Muslim noncitizens must be deported and all Muslim citizens must be stripped of their US citizenship and expelled from the country, that the construction of mosques in the United States must be completely banned, and that all the soldiers who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan have died in vain because the US did not convert those countries to Christianity?β¦ [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>
Note the similarity between Republican Family Values propaganda poster and the Nazi propaganda poster, both hiding religious hate behind beaming smiles. Does America really want family values like these? For any Muslims who may read this, authentic Christians respect your faith.
45 Responses to “Celebrations of Republican Hatred”
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The fascist on the right are as deadly as any terrorist. Because of their actions lives are lost or in jeopardy.
They like terrorist have an agenda to change this country into their likeness forever.
Don’t think it’s to far fetched or anything new. This has been a work in progress for many years. I wonder if we will realize it now.
Tim, I agree. Al Dubya id a greater threat than Al Qaeda ever was.
Thanks for this TC.
This country is in deep shit.
November will determine how deep it is and just how stupid we are as a country.
You’re welcome, Fly.
I’m holding my breath. π―
Don’t know about y’all but I have a real Plan B active if the shit hits the fan. Driving to work tonight and actually thought it could be worse if the repub/Teabaggers fail to capture the House. Given how crazy they are I would expect they would scream about vote rigging and Second Amendment solutions.
That would not surprise me at all, Beach.
Even though they don’t have one single idea in their collective heads on how to confront and solve the serious problems of today – and deflecting attention away from them with their bigotry and hatred – the right is always right. At least according to the media.
They have three ideas, Leslie. The same three they always have. Cut taxes for the rich. Cut services for everyone except the rich. Deregulate corporate criminals. π
We are living out our Weimar stage. Is it reversible? Not sure.
Welcome, Doc.
I agree. I’d think vovers would know better because the Fourth Reich lasted only eight years, Are we foolish enough to allow a Fifth>
Do scared bears poop in the woods.
May you be wrong. π
The difference between muslim extremists and american evangelicals? The american evangelicals haven’t figured out how those explosive vests go on yet. Seriously, the mindset is pretty much exactly the same.
“My old storybook is better than yours!”
Oooh, you have a list of smileys – cool! π
Bee, the Muslim extremists appear brighter and more truly commited to their hateful cause.
Lisa made me do the smileys. π
“9/11” and “Tickets Are Available” are two phrases that should never, ever go together. And yet that’s exactly what Palin & Beck did yesterday as documented on Sister Sarah’s Facebook page:
It’s unconscionable that the entire Reich-wing drag out their hate-mongering kindling, pour gasoline on it, hand a book of matches to a loon like Pastor Mustache – and then when he wants to strike a match allow Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Malkin, Coulter, etc., etc. try to claim they had no part in it.
And I’m sick and tired of the MSM letting the Teahadist hatriots do exactly that … and get away with it every single damn time!
Nameless, I coulsd not agree more. That’s why I post material that ties the hate to where it came from.
I’m with Bee and SoIneedaname!
Bee, the emoticons are there because I asked for them, and whenever I ask nicely, TC does it for me. Using the Mom voice doesn’t work though….. π
He’s probably changed 50 things on this blog because I whined about it. Comments at the top, emoticons, etc. It’s pretty nice having someone do my bidding for me. Well, other than my husband that is….. πΏ
Lisa loves her guys whipped. π
This is exactly why it’s so important to keep an eye on the Religious Right. Their intolerance and fear-mongering are only going to get worse, so we could have a bumpy ride ahead.
I, too, was startled to learn that Fischer would be speaking at the Values Voters Summit next week. He’s extreme even by right-wing standards, and the fact that he was invited to a major event says volumes about where the right-wing is going. Barring any problems, I plan to be at the summit, and I’m eager to hear what Fischer is going to say.
You’ll be there? Cool!! please keep us posted!
The republicans have made a science out of hate.
And if there were a category for it, they’d win the Nobel Hate Prize!
Love it!!
Gosh, it makes me sad to see how polarized your country is. Is it possible there are Democrats ~~ living, breathing ones ~~ who just might possibly fear radicals too? What happened to you folks on 9/11 was pretty terrifying, and there have been several attempts since then (including just last Christmas Day). Interesting choice of day ~~ Christianity’s holiest day.
A Muslim woman whose mother (also Muslim…) was killed in the South Tower said she vehemently opposes the proposed Muslim community centre/mosque at ground zero (yes, two blocks away from the World Trade Centers is still ground zero; it’s almost the epicenter… I’ve been there…) because she, as a Muslim, is suspicious of their agenda. I watched her being interviewed on Canadian television, and I found that very interesting.
I think there are two separate issues here. One is freedom of religious choice and worship ~~ which everyone agrees is a right. The other is sensitivity to an incident, which unfortunately was not done by all Muslims, but also unfortunately was done in the name of Islam. Those weren’t crazy, rabid Presbyterians, Anglicans or Catholics in those planes.
Everyone needs to take a step back, including Imam Rauf. He cannot force peace onto folks, he has to earn it, and he earns it by good faith in his actions. Instead, he is using a form of coercion, blackmail and veiled threats by stating that Muslims all over the world would revolt if the centre is moved. If that’s the case, then you guys are in big trouble, but I don’t believe it to be the case.
I work with Muslim doctors from Iran, Iraq and Turkey who all say that if it were up to them, that community center/mosque would not be built there. They are ashamed of Imam Rauf and his pushiness.
I don’t think this issue should be politicized ~~ Republicans versus Democrats ~~ because all that is done then is encouraging hate on both sides. Sometimes the kindest solution to a problem is the grey area in between.
And by the way, the woman in that picture is not wearing a chador. It’s just a regular car-coat with a hood. I have one just like it. π
OOPS! My mistake on the chador.
Josie, you don’t understand the history involved here. Before Rauf’s community bought the building, they contacted the neighborhood with their intent including the leadership of both political parties, and the people responsible for erecting the 9/11 memorial. That was the responsible and sensitive thing to do. Receiving no objection, they invested considerable resources in the building. The issue was not a political one for over a year. Then Fox News decided to use it to stir up Republican hate.
Pam Geller stated/lied on her blog there were 40,000 protestors at the 9/11 mosque rally Saturday. First to protest the mosque while mourners were speaking at ground zero was offensive, but I Googled the rallies and all the websites are saying 1,500 to 2,500 were rallying against and around 3,000 were there as pro-mosque rally-ers. Just wanted to ad my observation of rightwing hysteria and lies….
Sue, if Republicans told the truth, nobody would vote for them.
Okay, we strip citizenship from Muslims and deport them. What about Americans who convert to Islam? People born here who decide that Christianity is too extreme and convert. What would the GOP do with these folks? Would these people also be stripped of their citizenship and deported? If so, where would they be sent? When all the Muslims are gone, who would be next? The GOP have to have somebody to hate. They have to be the victim of some “other”. It’s what keeps them going, it’s what they use as a campaign tool. It’s how they keep their constituents in line and voting for them year after year. Which non-white, non-GOP group will be their next target? These people have become a danger to our country. Constantly sowing hate so they can get elected. Wouldn’t it be easier to come up with some actual ideas that are compatible to democracy? Are they so lazy that hate has replaced rational, logical, intelligent thinking? If so and they get control of the government again, then this country may as well kiss our Constitution good-by.
Sounds very much like the Nazis doesn’t it Debbie. And the righties say Obama is Hitler, very amusing bunch aren’t they?
Ironic, indeed! π
Welcome, Debbie! π
Republicans need to fool those who will believe their lies and pander to hate to get elected. Their only true constituency are the beneficiaries of their only successful policy: No Millionaire Left Behind. By themselves, millionaires lack sufficient votes to elect them.
What gets me is how the repubs are no longer trying to hide their hate and corruption; pretty scary if you ask me. Something’s gotta give and it won’t be pretty… π
Nikolai, it’s a desperatiopn strategy. Sadly, it’s working.
I just can’t believe their stupidity! They are not smart enough to consider the nature of the beast we are dealing with here. There were 2 more dead in Afghanistan today, the people, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban are rallying from around the world and are showing up to back the Mujahedeen to repel the invaders. I am very concerned for my sons!
Jim, you should be. I hope and pray they return safely to you.
I’m a Canadian, so I am impartial, but reading through these comments, there seems to be an awful lot of hateful hyperbole coming from both sides. It’s like the Democrats and the Republicans all in a pissing contest with each other. How can you folks get back to respectful debate?
Josie, I have always been a proponant of respectful debate. Republicans refuse to engage in it, because it’s a losing propesition for them,
The problem is that there is a concerted effort on the part of Republicans to lie and misinform, the Democrats are having all they can do to discount to lying and defend the actual truth and not making any headway on their own.
It is the case where the democrats are bailing the boat out with nothing more than a thimbles while the Repubvlican are grinning evilly about drilling a huge hole in the dingy during a tidal wave…..
Both sides can be blames yes….. but one side is more culpable
Welcome, Rob. I would never claim that Democrats are pure, but not only is one side more culpable, but also, the difference in culpability is extreme.
Hmmm, Jo, respectful debate? That went out with Disco Dancing when that fart Reagan was elected…so yes, I can pee further that the Repuglicker haters …sorry but the time for niceties and bowing to these hateful and stupid people is long gone and if they win in November, I’m migrating to Canada!
π …sorry, havin fun π
Great post TomCat!! π
Tee, I would add that it was not our side that took the conversation off the deep end. Glad you like the new toy. π
Under former President Ronald Reagan the Republican party high jack Christianity many had not seen a church in years! Reagan today is like a Republican GOD but Republican will never acknowledge that he serve the last two and a half year suffering from Alzheimer and refuse to resign! So in reality Reagan didn’t run the country! He would rather put the country at risk!The white Republican Party are a bunch of phoney that realize that white people ( their base) HEAR IT! BELIEVE IT! and REPEAT IT! And will not investigate past the idiot the fool the liar the racist that inform them! The Tea Party back Republicans are well aware of that fact and are supporting true stupid idiot Republican with extreme and insane change! Like turning over social security to Wall Street” and sending more jobs oversea. Republican Pat Toomey is sick and has always back bills to destroy the financial strength of America and wants corporation to pay NO taxes! Christine O’Donnell is a sick Devil Worshiper and whites are following and vote for her with no problem! Republican are responsible for the horrible condition of the country! There plan is to demonize any effort that President Obama attempted or gets past in the senate to fix the mess they create! Sarah Palin is a proven idiot and a quitter and the front runner for Republican President! GO FIGURE??? This just proves that white people are misguided and un-educate about America’s moral standard in the world! Today because of un-educate white Americans. America is seen as a third world country and plain stupid! White Republican have been the problem in this country for many years! Two wars and the Iraq War for NOTHING! Causing the needless death of American citizen! White American want to reward Republican for stupidity and murder of American troops! The financial downfall of America happen under Republican after receiving a surplus from the Democrat President! 9/11 happen under Republican rule because of Republican policy and their deep hatred for Muslim and their racist belief. The same belief system that is destroying America! The white control media is behind the white Republican Party and support their efforts to regain power!
The Republicans are WRONG! They have a proven record of being WRONG! BUT… Republican successfully have sold white people and some minority their stupidity! The Tea Party are angry and the country with the help of the white control media are force to hear that over and over! The Republican are constantly saying” the American people are against or for this and that” or referring to polls that only 250 to 5,000 white people participate in ! They have lied about healthcare and convince many stupid white people they are the better politician! Even after Republicans sent American soldier to Iraq for NOTHING! They no that white people HEAR IT! BELIEVE IT! and REPEAT IT! and NEVER investigate past the idiot the fool the racist or liar that gave then the information! WHITE PEOPLE BELIEVE WHAT OTHER WHITE PEOPLE TELL THEM!!! Republican idiot Newt Gingrich is a good example! He knows he can say whatever he wants and the lack of white leadership and the racist mentality of white American will believe him! He can lie about President Obama’s policy and lie about President Obama. The white racist American are just find with it and the others whites are just silence! To think that the white control media WILL NOT talk about the failure of going into Iraq and causing the needless death of American troops! To think that the white control media WILL NOT talk about the fact that former President Ronald Reagan suffer from Alzheimer the last two and a half years in office! This man is looked at as a GOD and referred to constantly! Trickle down “Reaganomic” DID NOT WORK! 4,400 plus American troops are dead for NOTHING and the Tea Party and the Republican Party are angry about spending money on Americans! 4,400 Americans troops are dead didn’t spark anger under Republican President Bush! The white control media talks about the cost of healthcare BUT not the cost of the lives lost for NOTHING! They talk of President Obama spending BUT not the fact that he is spending the money to stabilize and re-tool the country after Republicans mess it UP!
Welcome, Tryrone. π
I disagree only that the operative color controlling the media is green.