Sep 112010

Yesterday, I finally caught back up with returning visits.  It took most of the day.  I don’t anticipate any difficulty in staying up to date today.  I have a couple outside errands to run, a volunteer article to write, and I have to find a new feed aggregator to keep track of the 500-1000 articles I skim daily, as my old one is going out of business.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:37.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Minnesota Star Tribune: A prominent gay rights organization is sending a chunk of money to liberal groups in Minnesota to offset Target’s controversial donation to a pro-Tom Emmer political action committee.

The Human Rights Campaign, based in Washington, D.C., will donate $100,000 to Win Minnesota, a PAC that helps fund anti-Emmer TV advertisements.

Good.  This will help overcome Target’s shameful bigotry.

From CNN: The Rev. Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who has garnered worldwide attention for his plan earlier this week to burn Qurans on September 11, arrived in New York late Friday night, according to footage provided by CNN affiliate WABC.

"I don’t have anything to say right now," he told a group of reporters who followed him out of LaGuardia Airport and to a taxi cab.

K.A. Paul, an evangelist in contact with the Rev. Terry Jones, said Friday there will be no burning of the book Saturday evening, as had been originally planned.

Sadly, a couple other Republican churches are taking his place.  Now that this hypochristian knows the limelight, I hate to think of what he will do next.

From Huffington Post: With Delaware’s Republican Senate primary just days away, Tea Party-backed contender Christine O’Donnell is impugning the masculinity of GOP rival U.S. Rep. Mike Castle.

In an interview with conservative radio host Mark Levin, O’Donnell called on her opponent "get your man-pants on" in the contentious election fight.

The comment came in response to news that the state Republican party of Delaware — a firm supporter of Castle’s campaign — filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission accusing O’Donnell of breaking the law in coordinating her political operation with the Tea Party Express.

Christine “forbidden fingers” O’Donnell has previously implies that Castle is gay on several occasions.

Cartoon: from


What’s on tap today?


  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/11/2010”

  1. I’m really bummed about Target. I used to shop there all the time, but now not so much. I won’t step foot in Wally World – where am I going to get cute, chic shit? Dammit! 😯

  2. Oh goody, the Christofacists are at it again. I hope God smites him; I’d smite him myself, but my smiting powers don’t work in the rain!

    Christine, Christine, so what does being gay have to do with anything? Jebus.

    A big fat nothing today. I slept for 17 hours after my deposition for my custody case. I am soooo glad I wrote down the story of Mark.

  3. As Col. Colin Powell noted in his comments strongly endorsing Park51 (the Islamic Community Center), if there can be a Muslim prayer room both in the Pentagon and Walter Reed Hospital, then there can most assuredly be a prayer room several blocks away from Ground Zero in Park51.

    But what I learned today from the NY Times is that there actually was a Muslim prayer room in the World Trade Center itself on the 17th floor:

    Over the next few days, noticing some fellow Muslims on the job, Mr. Abdus-Salaam voiced an equally essential question: “So where do you pray at?” And so he learned about the Muslim prayer room on the 17th floor of the south tower.
    [Emphasis added]


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