Sep 102010

Yesterday I spent the entire morning replying to comments.  Then the phone began to ring, and volunteer work took the rest of the day.  Today’s plan is to catch up on returning visits.  Yesterday was a High Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, the Beginning of Cycles, AKA opening night.  I thoroughly enjoyed the worship between the Saints and the Vikings.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:30.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MSNBC: Sarah Palin has apparently endorsed Delaware conservative Christine O’Donnell in the Delware GOP Senate primary on Tuesday. Rep. Mike Castle has been the establishment choice.

Frankly, I hope the Teabagger beats Castle, but considering what she is most famous for, she might be less uptight, if she let her fingers do the walking. 😉

From Bloomberg: Wealthy Americans have the price of a BMW convertible riding on the outcome of the Congressional battle over tax cuts set to expire this year.

I say that America’s poor and middle classes have contributed far too many BMW convertibles to the Republican rich.

From Wonkette: Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is famous among Teabaggers or something for being a bigot and following Arizona’s bigot law enforcement law to the extreme, for which the feds sued him. So now, naturally, he is running for president, even though he is older than John McCain. Or rather he is HINTING this, in the most explicit way possible, in New Hampshire.

Picture this… Arpaio/Angle 2012.

Cartoon: from




  6 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/10/2010”

  1. In re: Arpaio and “the ass”. Both have been given enough 15-minutes of fame time to make them think they actually are famous. What a piece of work is man.–Wm. Shakespeare

  2. WRT O’Donnell’s looney tirades against masturbation, to mix some metaphors:

    When they outlaw masturbation, only outlaws will be able to masturbate.
    And only then can you can pry it from my cold, dead hands.

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