Sep 042010

Yesterday I spent the day working with a friend to try to prevent Banksters from foreclosing on her.  She has personally been the target of many of the dirty Bankster tricks I write about here in protest.  I can’t say that she will be successful, but there’s a chance.  Before I left, I did catch up with comments and made two modifications.  First was the Nameless fix.  Since he regularly posts replies with two links, that go to moderation because of it, I raised the number of links required to trigger moderation from the default two to three.  Second I installed the Lisa Memorial Toolbar.  You’ll see it when you comment.  I’m running on zero sleep, because of the heat.  It built up because the apartment was closed up all day.  The heat wave is over now. Today I have a September’s grocery order being delivered.  Putting everything away will wear me out, but I’ll try to start returning visits first.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:38.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Politico: Christopher J. Ward, the former treasurer for the National Republican Congressional Committee, pleaded guilty in federal court on Friday to embezzling more $844,000 from the NRCC and other committees he worked for, ending one of the largest campaign embezzlement schemes in Washington history.

Now the party of crooks is stealing their own money.

From TPM: Sharron Angle is continuing to rail against unemployment benefits — going so far as to say that extending the payments "really doesn’t benefit anyone."

And she reflects the Republican stance on the issue.

From McClatchy DC: Jewish settlers across the West Bank have vowed to begin construction in more than 60 locations, posing a direct challenge to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he returned home from Thursday’s first round of direct peace talks in Washington.

I have opined that Netanyahu does not want peace.  Hefre is his chance to prove me wrong.

Cartoon: from


Labor not today.


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