Sep 022010

Yesterday I fell further behind, because of my volunteer work co-facilitating a therapy group for former prisoners.  Today I plan to reply to comments and return visits.

Jig Zone Puzzle: Today it took me 4:02.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football:Lefty Bloggers Plus players, the first game is one week from tonight on 9/9.  Don’t forget to set your starters.

Short Takes:

From Vanity Fair: Even as Sarah Palin’s public voice grows louder, she has become increasingly secretive, walling herself off from old friends and associates, and attempting to enforce silence from those around her. Following the former Alaska governor’s road show, the author delves into the surreal new world Palin now inhabits—a place of fear, anger, and illusion, which has swallowed up the engaging, small-town hockey mom and her family—and the sadness she has left in her wake.

The article is worth the read.

From Right Wing Watch: Right-wing radio host Michael Medved in his new Townhall column has discovered how God would vote in the upcoming election, and the answer isn’t surprising. According to Medved, “it’s difficult to escape the conclusion that the Almighty would cast his all-important ballot for Republicans.”

But how can he be so sure of how God would vote in November? Well, Medved argues that progressives’ commitment to social justice cannot have religious sanction because he says that progressivism, unlike conservatism, is inherently discriminatory.

What?  The party of profiling calls US discriminatory?!!?  Scheeesch!!  Anyway, to confirm this, one way or the other, I interviewed God this morning.  She says she’s a progressive Democrat. 😉

From McClatchy DC: The National Weather Service has issued a hurricane warning for much of the North Carolina coast and people are being urged to leave low-lying areas as Earl slowly lumbers north.

You easterners, please take care and stay out of Lisa’s  Earl’s way.

Cartoon: from


What are you planning for the Labor Day weekend?


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/2/2010”

  1. I have that article queued up and ready to read for this weekend. How sad she is still able to garner her support after primary failures in various state primaries. I’ve already dismissed her a crazy loon, so out – keep on spreading th gospel of hate, illusion and anger. Eventually, it will piss off everyone. I mean who wants to pay this bitch to when she spouts complete BS.

    I agree, that Progressivism is not discriminatory, but the Wings are opposing immigration for hell’s sake. Like that’s not discriminatory? pllleeeeeaaassee, give me a frigging break.

    My parents are scheduled for a direct hit – they are probably watching Faux News for their reports, like dumbasses. I even called my mom and said “I don’t what weather you’re watching, but you are scheduled for a direct hit; in the RED zone which is reeaallyyy, really bad. My parents are about 20 miles from the coast. I told her twice to pack her shit and go to my sister’s house. The last time they had a hurricane like this was 5 years ago, also a direct hit. My mom cooked some food for my dad and booked up to my sister’s house in VA which is well inland. My dad stayed to “protect the house” – I said “What are going to do, wrap your arms around it and hang on? And you’re gonna protect the house from what exactly?” Mom’s like “fuck it, I hate storms (she once pulled over during a bad thunderstorm and made me drive – I was 13.) and I’m outta here. I made some food for Dad and I’m going to Brette’s.” Nothing actually happened they pulled all their lawn furniture in and the grill. But still, if there is an evacuation order for a tornado in Chicago,
    I’m outta here and going to Wisconsin. Far, far inland. Maybe Minnesota if I have to. If it does hit, I’m sure she’ll blame me. 🙂 And name it “Hurricane Lisa” since that was all my fault. Jeez, my parents are just friggin nuts.

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