Sep 012010

Yesterday, I got tied up in doing volunteer work.  As a result, I replied to our comments, but did not have time to return visits.  I will, but not today.  When I return home from co-facilitating a therapy group for former prisoners, I have my online grocery shopping to do, so I won’t be back to the blog until tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:35.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From CBS: Rick Scott’s narrow victory over Attorney General Bill McCollum, the preferred candidate of the Republican establishment, in the Florida gubernatorial primary could cost the GOP a key governorship in a race that could have implications for years to come.

That’s great news for Democrats.  Scott is such a loon that that they could win this.

From Alternet: The US commander of the Afghan war acknowledged Tuesday that the Taliban were expanding their footprint across the country even as international forces close in on their traditional southern strongholds.

In a word, we’re losing.

From Me:  I just saw that Lisa Murkowski just conceded the Republican nomination for the Senate in AK to Joe Miller.  That’s more ammunition for us.

Cartoon: from


Happy hump day!


  5 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/1/2010”

  1. That victory would be nice if we even KNEW who the Dem candidate was. A Dem in the big house in Florida? Wow, that would be HUGE.

    Dude, we’ve been losing Afghanistan for a while now. That country is like whack a mole.

    I’m so upset that Princess Lisa (MY nickname) has lost her crown. Whatever shall she do. Miller is a crazy mofo, but it is Alaska and they elected Palin, so I’m not holding my breath for a Dem Senate candidate for that state. They seem to vote R without even thinking about it.

    That cartoon sums it up, but we accomplished nothing but trashing a sovereign country and letting Al Quaeda in. Go USA!

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