Aug 302010

Yesterday I managed to keep up to date with comments and returned all outstanding visits.  It took over six hours.  Today I have to go out to run a few errands, but expect that I can stay current.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:11.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From LA Times: Joe Miller, the surprise leader in Alaska’s unresolved Republican Senate primary, said Sunday that the growing national debt requires a "belt tightening" that should include cutting back on federal dollars that his state receives.

Miller’s position, which he articulated throughout his campaign against incumbent GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski, comes despite Alaska’s historic reliance on federal resources.

I bet a dollar against a donut that, if this liar gets to DC, he will be a GOPig at the trough.  We’re not done with this creep yet…

From Crooks and Liars: Unemployment benefits, Social Security and Medicare are not constitutional, according to the man likely to win the Republican Senate nomination in Alaska.

The one thing I do like about the Teabaggers like Miller is that at least they come out and say what they want.  K-Street Republicans want the exact same thing, but they won’t tell the truth unless backed into a corner.

From Alternet: The United States on Sunday condemned as "deeply offensive" remarks by an influential Israeli rabbi who said he hoped Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas would "vanish from our world."

"These remarks are not only deeply offensive, but incitement such as this hurts the cause of peace."

It’s good that they condemn this hate speech, but I wish they would be so expressive about the hate speech coming from Republican Senators, Representatives, Governors and candidates for office.

Cartoon: from




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