Aug 292010

Yesterday I slept later than normal, and after doing some printer repair, I spent around four hours replying to around one hundred comments.  My apologies for falling so far behind.  I only returned one visit, because Sky Girl hinted that she’d like me to reply to a conservative at her place, which I did.  You can find the link in yesterday’s piece about the AFA.  Her article is worth the read, as is, I hope my comment.  Today I have lots of visits to return, and I hope to get to most, although I’m still pretty worn out.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:02.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From NPR: Sen. David Vitter, the first Republican elected to the Senate since Reconstruction, easily won renomination to a second term and, expected, his Democratic opponent in November will be Rep. Charlie Melancon…

In a special primary necessitated by the death of longtime Sen. Robert Byrd (D), Gov. Joe Manchin easily won the Democratic primary and is favored to hold the seat for the party in November.

No Surprises there.

Cartoon: from


Have a great Sunday!


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/29/2010”

  1. Shit on Vitter – what’s wrong with these people? They said something like 80% of LA residents didn’t know about his scandal. WTF? Are you all living underground?

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