Aug 282010

Yesterday I fell further behind as advertised.  Our President (7th Step, not Obama) picked me up at my motel and dropped me off at the station.  I may shoot her.  She told me a story about how her father took the train to Portland, got stuck behind a freight train with problems, and spent over two hours for a one hour trip.  My train got stuck behind a freight train with problems, and it took over two hours for the one hour trip. Worse yet, the train unloaded almost 1/2 mile from the terminal, so already pooped, I had to walk to the terminal to get my baggage and another 1/2 mile to the transit stop.  When I finally arrived home, I didn’t unpack my bag or even set up my computer.  I poured myself into bed.  Would I do it all again?  You betcha!  The look of pride on my guys’ faces was worth it.  Today, I hope to catch up on comments, but I’m still drained, so we’ll see.  Tomorrow and Monday, I hope to catch up on returning visits.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:41.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AP Google: Alaska — Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Joe Miller apologized on Twitter and a campaign staffer was told to exercise more caution Friday after someone in Miller’s campaign sent a tweet that appeared to liken a possible party switch by Sen. Lisa Murkowski to prostitution.

The item posted on Miller’s Twitter account Friday said, "What’s the difference b/n selling out your party’s values and the oldest profession?" The tweet linked to an online article speculating on whether Murkowski would run on the Libertarian Party ticket if she loses the GOP primary to Miller.

I’d love to see a three way race here.  If either of these two wins, America loses.

From The Boston Globe: Outgoing BP chief executive Tony Hayward has refused a request by US senators to testify next month about his company’s role in the release of the man convicted of bombing Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.

I suppose the GOBP will filibuster any attempt to penalize the company for his refusal.

From Right Wing Watch: Alveda King is claiming that her anti-gay, anti-choice activism is the true legacy of her uncle Martin Luther King’s "I Have a Bream" [sic] legacy.

Bull!  I never heard Rev. King voice a position on gay rights, but he welcomed openly gay activists to participate in Vietnam Summer.  He saw abortion as an unfortunate symptom of poverty.

Cartoon: from


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