Aug 282010

The American Family Association is at it again.  Now they are collecting funds to campaign against judges.

28bigotsAFA As right-wing groups prepare to spend $400 million on the upcoming election, an anti-gay group has formed in Iowa to oust three state supreme court justices who joined that court’s unanimous opinion endorsing marriage equality:

Vander Plaats, who lost in the June gubernatorial primary, announced this month the creation of Iowa for Freedom [bigots delinked], which has rented office space and hired six full-time staff members. The group plans to act like any other political campaign, with mailers, phone calls and door-knocking, Vander Plaats said.

“We’ve got a campaign to get rid of these judges. What do you think of that?” he called out to a man in a gray trucker hat at the fair.

Although Vander Plaats wants his organization to appear like a grassroots effort, the group’s website indicates that it is funded by AFA Action [AFA Delinked], the political arm of the virulently anti-gay American Family Association… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

In case you have forgotten, the AFA is the same group of Supply-side Jesus (the Republican invention to justify their hateful positions, not the real Jesus) fanatics that said  our troops in Iraq died for nothing, because they failed to to convert the Iraqi population to rabid right religion.  These Republicans also proposed that Christian women must become brood mares and have enough children to take over the government, despite the prohibitions in the First Amendment.

While I defend their right to their views, I insist on my right to expose them.


  10 Responses to “Gay Hating AFA Goes After Judges”

  1. Personally I think the right is running out of groups to hate on. Now that Mehlman has come out of the closet admitting he was W’s Monica and exposed the long standing rethug strategy of fear and hate to win elections. (Although the dickhead says we should now hate Muslims because they are anti gay). Though I think there be hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle I intend to use the overwhelming number of republicans who are gay as a talking point to my conservative friends. When the conservatives argue with me I will simply tell all their friends they are gay and gay supporters of gay rights. But they are still in the closet but now that so many of them are coming out they appear to be the party of gays. I will also report that this is the reason there have been so many republican resignations from the house and senate was because them that quit were about to be outed by Boehner who goes to gay tanning salons.

    Shit man they never let truth get in the way so why should I?

  2. TWM

    You might be closer to the truth than you realize. 😉

  3. Interesting discussion going on at the Handbasket right now. In response to one of my posts, a conservative contributor to the blog professed his own beliefs, and the belief that he does not think his religion should infringe on the rights of others. So when I followed up with a point-blank question about Prop 8, he hedged. Why? If you are descriminating on the basis of your religion, why not just say that?

  4. Interesting tidbit is that after Mehlman announced he was gay, in the next day’s news cycle CNN mentioned Mehlman 19 times, MSNBC mentioned him 12 times …

    And Faux News (drumroll) ZERO times – as in zip, zilch, nix, nil, none, nada, naught, the null set, cipher, a big fat goose egg … 0

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