Aug 272010

Yesterday I fell further behind in replying to comments and visiting blogs.  That is because I spent the day yesterday at Oregon State Prison doing volunteer work for 7th Step.  I could not have felt more proud of my guys.  120 prisoners, who earn an average of $40 – $45 per month each, raised $1,000 to donate to a local charity.  This is the bus I took yesterday morning.


This is me in my motel room.


If I look tired, it’s because I am.

Therefore there will be no short takes today and I do not expect to answer comments or return visits as I won’t be home until this afternoon.  I should be caught up by Monday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:51.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Cartoon: from




  6 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/27/2010”

  1. You might be tired TC but I see a good looking guy here. You must have to beat off the skirts.

  2. I didn’t see “tired” in the picture – I saw “mellow contentment and satisfaction from doing good work” in the picture

    Just a thought, but when you mention a worthwhile organization like “7th Step” don’t be shy about giving that organization a hyperlink to “7th Step” … or even a hyperlink featuring the good-looking Treasurer of “7th Step”.

    And just in case hyperlinking doesn’t work in the Comments section:

    • Thanks Nameless. I go to great lengths to keep my 7th Step and Politics Plus activities separate. Because we are a non-profit, I cannot legally or in good conscience advocate or oppose candidates in my capacity as a 7th Step officer. Here, in my capacity as a political junkie I do so almost daily. Not linking from there to here or from here to there helps me keep my roles separate, and my ethics above reproach. As a former criminal, I am more vulnerable than most in that regard. I have no objection to someone else doing so and thank you for your kindness.

      Hyperlinking works just fine here. I usually edit your links to blank the target.

  3. Thank you for the work you do with the prisoners; I’m sure they very much appreciate it. I know this this was a big sacrifice for you – don’t think it doesn’t go unnoticed. πŸ™‚

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