Aug 202010

The Republican Pharisees and Sadducees at the AFA do not represent the same Jesus that authentic Christians do.

republican_jesus Just how anti-Muslim is the AFA’s Bryan Fischer?

So anti-Muslim that he is now claiming that the entire Iraq war was an epic failure [theocon delinked] and complete waste of American time, money, and lives because we did not seek to convert the entire country to Christianity.

Fischer says that the only thing that kept Iraq functioning under Saddam Hussein was that "Christians to help him run the country [because] Christians were the only decent, trustworthy, honest people he could find."  When Hussein was toppled, it left Iraq in the hands of Muslims and "Islam simply doesn’t produce men with the kind of character and integrity needed to run a country."

Fischer says America has offended God by creating a new Islamic Republic in Iraq which, "without the stabilizing values and presence of the Prince of Peace," will ultimately collapse.

Therefore, all of our soldiers have died for nothing:

It grieves me to the bottom of my soul to think of the soldiers who bravely gave their last full measure of devotion in such a misbegotten cause. They served bravely and well; it was their leadership that let them down.

All this is due to President Bush’s naive short-sightedness about the true nature of Islam and what it does to the human spirit. I believe him to be an honest and decent man, but deceived and foolish when it came to Islam.

He genuinely seemed to believe that Islam is a religion of peace which had been hijacked by evil men. The truth is the other way round. Islam is a barbaric religion of violence and war. The only hijacking that’s been done is by those trying to fool people into thinking it’s something benign.

… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Are we to thank God that Christians were helping Saddam run the country when that bastion of piety, Donald Rumsfeld, brokered the deal for Saddam to acquire chemical weapons and provided him training in their use?  Are we to thank God that Christians were helping Saddam run the country when he killed and tortured so many of his own citizens?  Are we to thank God that Christians were helping Saddam run the country when he accepted the invitation to invade Kuwait from April Glaspie, the US Ambassador appointed by GHW Bush?  I say no, no and no!

If US deaths in Iraq were futile, it is because we should never have invaded, not because we did not do more to convert them to Republican Supply-side Jesus.  How can this hate monger claim that Islam is a religion of violence and war when it was GW Bush who claimed that Jesus told him to invade Iraq?  Had we tried to force conversion on the Iraqi people, Iraq would be politically unified today… against us.

Supply-side Jesus, the Republican religious right invention, whose gospel is war, hate and greed, has nothing to do with Christ.  Just as Jesus opposed the Pharisees and Sadducees, authentic Christians today oppose their modern day counterparts.


  12 Responses to “Republican Religious Right: Our Troops Died for Nothing!”

  1. After they finish fine tuning the 14th amendment maybe they will go after the first to shut us up. Simple fact of the matter at the time of invasion Jesus told W that Saddam was the weakest leader in the Middle East and therefor would supply Cheney with not only all the oil we needed but also a base from which we could operate from to conquer Iran and then turn the whole thing over to Saudi control. Oh that Jesus of theirs, he is such a funny guy about the whole prince of peace thing. Especially to the unnecessary 4600 dead Americans.

    I have said it before and will continue to say it. IRAQ WAS A SOVEREIGN NATION AND THE INVASION THERE OF WAS AGAINST EVERY INTERNATIONAL TREATY KNOWN. I guess if the puppet refuses to dance then we just go ahead and destroy their nation and hang until dead the face of the puppet.

    • Mark, this comment would have equally appropriate for yesterday’s top article here, because it echos much of what I said there. 🙂

  2. TWM – I said that (Iraq being a sovereign nation)a million times before the invasion of Iraq to my father (a Repub) but he say, “Well, Saddam helped Al Qqeada in 9/11/” – that what Fox news does to your brain. A Yale Gad…..

    This supply side Jesus crowd has gotten way outta hand (thank you Ronnie Raygun). Everyone of those kooks at the AFA should be locked up in an asylum.

    • Lisa, I’m certainly not defending the AFA, but they have a right to their views, just as we have the right to point out and document the utter insanity of those views. As for locking then up in an asylum, wouldn’t that be cruel and unusual punishment for the other patients there?

  3. I have to admit, this is the first time I have ever heard someone mention anything about the Christians of Iraq – I would love to read about the status of Christians under Saddam’s reign…

    • Because Saddam was a secular leader, he tolerated evangelicals more than most nations where Islam is the most popular faith. In return for freedom to proselytize, they happily participated in his atrocities.

  4. I never heard of Bryan Fischer. I knew the AFA leader, Don Wildmon, was ill and his son had taken over. Now Bryan Fischer? These leadership shakeups might be a bad sign. (Bad for them, good for America.)

    I used to be on their mailing list, partly for “Know Your Enemy” and partly because their hysterical e-mails were a great source for tongue-in-cheek blog posts. After I did a few of those posts, they stopped sending me e-mails, for some strange reason.

  5. Well if this Bryan Fischer and his AFA are so certain of this we all need to buy them plane tickets to Iraq so they can do God’s work as they see fit. We just need to tattoo their names on their body several places so the bodies can be identified.

  6. “If US deaths in Iraq were futile, it is because we should never have invaded, not because we did not do more to convert them to Republican Supply-side Jesus. ”

    That’s absolutely right.

    Our troops did die in vain, and the AFA shares in the blame because they supported the war.

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