MSNBC Says No to

 Posted by at 1:20 am  Politics
Aug 202010

MSNBC is my favorite news channel, because they are the most balanced.  Their straight news is straight news, and they offer a balance if commentators from Pat Buchannan to Rachel Maddow.  I was, therefore, surprised that they refused an ad from

20target-no MoveOn has hit a bump in the road for its anti-Target ad, which calls for a boycott of the company as a result of its $150,000 donation to a business group running ads for Minnesota Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer. MSNBC, the liberal-branded national cable channel where MoveOn hoped to air the ad, has instead rejected it.

An MSNBC spokeswoman told the Associated Press that the spot violates the channel’s policy against ads that directly attack an individual business.

It’s not all bad news for MoveOn, though. The group says that local TV stations in the Twin Cities market are running the ad… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

Here’s the ad itself:

Considering the source, it it quite low key, as MoveOn has often taken a more in your face approach.  There is nothing here that could rightly be considered distasteful.

For now, I’m watching and, if I see ever see an ad on MS-NBC that directly attacks an entity of any kind (except Faux Noise ;-)), this story will come back.


  8 Responses to “MSNBC Says No to”

  1. Who needs Target when you have Wal Mart? If I relied only on TV to tell me what was happening in the world then it would be a very narrow world view eh? You do know that radio is free and it’s not all rush and glen and shit, you can actually get some straight news from that little talking box.

  2. I hate that one of my favorite stores is doing this. πŸ™

  3. I like the commercial. I also find MSNBC’s statement regarding their policy very interesting…

    I wonder if they will air political advertisements that “attack” other individuals or businesses (I have to admit that as much as I love MSNBC’s programming, I rarely watch commercials anymore due to DVR and am not sure what kind of advertisements they do show)

    • I don’t have DVR, although I do confess commercial time is pee and everything else time. I do pay most attention to commercials on Faux Noise, so I know whom to call in protest.

  4. I don’t shop at either one. (target or WalMart)
    I stay away from as many large businesses as possible.
    I buy handmade, and local as much as possible.

    I don’t watch much TV or news there.
    MSNBC just forced a good friend of mine to quit work, and it’s common practice, as with most big businesses. She was older, and they didn’t train her, but trained younger workers, then gave her bad reviews.
    I have no need for MSNBC..either!!

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