Aug 142010

Seventy five years ago today FDR signed the Social Security Act of 1935, passed over Republican opposition, into law.  That makes this birthday good for seniors, but some forget that unemployment insurance was part of the Social Security Act, making it good for workers too.

14rooseveltss Seventy years ago today, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the law that created the Social Security system, but this year’s great debate over the program’s future has all but left behind President Bush’s goal of maintaining the system’s solvency through the baby boom’s retirement.

Instead, the battle lines have shifted to a House Republican plan to establish private investment accounts out of Social Security’s cash surplus, a plan that even its advocates say would do nothing to improve the program’s financial outlook.

Opponents of private accounts will be out in force today, with 131 events celebrating Social Security’s anniversary, including birthday balloons on the Mall and the distribution of 50,000 "birthday cards" laying out opposition to the latest version of a Social Security restructuring. On Friday, James Roosevelt kicked off events at a rally in front of his grandfather’s memorial.

Bush administration officials are also fanning out this weekend to make the case that the nation can best honor the program by accepting the president’s prescriptions for its future… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Did you notice anything unusual there?  That’s because the article is exactly five years old. Republicans were trying to prevent Social Security in 1935, were still trying to kill it in 2005, and are still trying today.  Rachel Maddow has multiple examples.

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There were exceptions.  I was only 12 when he left office, but I liked IKE.  He was right about the stupidity of those trying to undo Social Security.  He warned us about the military-industrial complex.  Was he right about that, or what?  I hope he was right about the Republican demise as well.


  20 Responses to “Happy Birthday to All American Seniors and Workers”

  1. Over the years, I’ve been warning anyone who would listen, the Right want to do away with Social Security as we know it. As a matter of fact all entitlements. I was laughed at, oh they couldn’t do that. Yeah maybe but they keep trying and seem to be getting some support. We must be vigilante.

  2. The Marching Morons I am around foam at the mouth about privatizing Social Security. I really shouldn’t be surprised but given that that ignore how 2 trillion in money and assets disappeared in a puff of financial smoke their faith in the stock market borders on the suicidal.

  3. FDR, arguably the greatest President in our entire history, did this country a huge service with his New Deal. He was one of the few Presidents who consistently delivered for the common man. The Republicans must NOT EVER be allowed to privatize Social Security! They would only ruin that like they’ve twice ruined the economy and are now trying to ruin the internet. Their pandering to wealth and corruption must be stopped dead in its tracks!

  4. Once people have something like SS, they’re not too quick to give it up.

  5. It’s not just Republicans. Obama’s Cat Food Commission is out to get Social Security too.

  6. These two programs is what helped raise living standards and build the great middle class, which gave us the the growth to become the envy of the World. It’s part of why people call us the greatest nation in the World.
    Republicans were against it then, and are still against it. Nothing like being on the wrong side of History, to make a party look stupid. Go on Republicans, try to kill SS, I dare you.

  7. First off, I don’t know why they are trying to mess with SS SINCE IT ITS’NT EVEN BROKEN YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And, oh why, the third rail of politics? What makes them foam at SS? Maybe because it rocks and it is one the few things that DOES WORK properly being administered by the big, ugly government.

    Just remove the fucking cap and make the Feds pay out all their IOU’s once we are on more stable economics.

    And if people want to “opt out” they should be able to. But, 99% of John Q. Public doesn’t know how the market works and would be wiped out in a couple of days. Sure, that’s a FUCKING BRILLIANT !!!!!!!!!!!!! You see boys and girls that the Congress doesn’t have to refute anything because they have their own retirement plan than they deemed to give us peasants. But don’t come crying to us when you are broke and have lost your home of 40 years. Don’t want to hear it.

    But again, oh wise readers of TC, Why do they want to get rid of it? Maybe because the Goldman’s and Chase’s would be allowed to control those billions/trillions? Really, I’m clueless here.

  8. I suppose real issues like this is why the right is taking over the media with their protests about a mosque in lower Manhattan. Keeps the scrutiny off things that effect everyone. Get over yourselves and get with the program of helping actual Americans!

  9. I was sent some Reich Wing propaganda on Social Security “Facts” just today, and posted my response. I was unaware of the coincidence of the anniversary of Social Security. Wouldn’t you know the Republicans want to demolish a program that keeps 20 million Americans out of poverty.

  10. Same old issue all over the world.

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