Republicans Hate Skience

 Posted by at 2:28 am  Politics, Religion
Aug 112010

I know.  I spelled it that way, because that that’s how Kelly Bundy spelled it, and Kelly is a perfect example of a Republican intellectual.  Republicans deny climate change, so much so that Bush ordered scientific data altered to prevent its recognition.  Republicans deny evolution and want biblical creation taught in our classrooms.  Not even Einstein is safe.

11Bundy To many conservatives, almost everything is a secret liberal plot: from fluoride in the water to medicare reimbursements for end-of-life planning with your doctor to efforts to teach evolution in schools.

But Conservapedia founder and Eagle Forum University instructor [delinked] Andy Schlafly β€” Phyllis Schlafly’s son β€” has found one more liberal plot: the theory of relativity [delinked].

If you’re behind on your physics, the Theory of Relativity was Albert Einstein’s formulation in the early 20th century that gave rise to the famous theorum that E=mc2, otherwise stated as energy is equal to mass times the square of the speed of light. Why does Andy Schlafly hate the theory of relativity? We’re pretty sure it’s because he’s decided it doesn’t square with the Bible.

In the entry, "Counterexamples to Relativity," the authors (including Schlafly) write:

The theory of relativity is a mathematical system that allows no exceptions. It is heavily promoted by liberals who like its encouragement of relativism and its tendency to mislead people in how they view the world.[1]

To what does that reference lead? Why, a note by Schlafly:

See, e.g., historian Paul Johnson’s book about the 20th century, and the article written by liberal law professor Laurence Tribe as allegedly assisted by Barack Obama. Virtually no one who is taught and believes relativity continues to read the Bible, a book that outsells New York Times bestsellers by a hundred-fold

In other words, reading a theory about physics is correlated to a decrease in people’s interest in reading the Bible, which means that it causes people to stop reading the Bible… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Gawker>

Rachel Maddow covers this beautifully.

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We certainly need those teachers, but I do have to disagree on one point.  Evolution is not the only theory that should be taught in the classroom, when a competing view has ample supporting evidence.  Consider the theory of devolution:



  12 Responses to “Republicans Hate Skience”

  1. Dang, I just knew that there theery of rellitivity was one of them librul skience plots to undermine Jesus.

    Good ol’ Kelly Bundy, she’s be a perfect Republican spokesperson. She’s purdier than Sarah Palin and smarter too.

  2. Where are all the real conservative intellectuals?

    BTW, love the reference of Kelly Bundy – she is the embodiment of what you hear coming out of the teabag rallies and the GOP…

  3. It would be impossible to find any competent and credible scientists who would deny the Theory of Relativity, or the Theory of Evolution.

    Not only would they not be competent nor credible … they wouldn’t be scientists!

  4. Jeez, when will these people quit with this nonsense? I wonder if they’ve finished “de-liberalizing” the Bible yet?

  5. I’m happy that the Theory of Relativity is “wrong.” Since I’m a SciFi fan, FTL drives are fine with me.

    However, Einstein did posit a way around that nasty old “nothing goes faster than the speed of light thing.” WORMHOLES! Called the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, I happily co-opted the theory for my scifi.

    In the interests of self-promotion, there’s a scifi romance blog tour starting off this week with my blog being the first host.

    Check in on for an article by SFR writer Sandra Stixrude, author of the Anchorage SFR series. I’ll be the guest blogger on the 21st. Schedule on my blog!

    Sorry about the SPAM, Tom. Writers are your basic annoying marketers once they get published. πŸ˜‰

    • Marva, science fiction writers ask us to temporarily suspend disbelief in what is possible. Republicans demand that we permanently accept the impossible.

      As some who has read your work, you may SPAM here as needed.

  6. Wow. How then do these morons believe that an atomic bomb works?

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