Jul 012010

Yesterday I kept current with replying to comments and returning visits.  The monthly report will be out tomorrow, after my stats update.  I received some good news yesterday.  I have been accepted to continue my volunteer work co-facilitating a therapy group for former prisoners with the new service provider that will be taking over the group I was helping.  My attempt at a partial OS reinstall went south.  My Windows 7 disk was an upgrade disk that I received as part of the computer sale.  It turns out Microsoft had an unannounced security trap built in to prevent its use on multiple computers.  The upgrade disk is a DVD-RW.  Once it has been used to install Windows 7, the next time it’s put into a DVD drive, it formats itself.  You don’t even want to know how pissed off I am!  I hope to keep current today, but I have a call from Microsoft Support scheduled this morning, and I don’t know how long it will take.  All that yelling could also effect my COPD. 😉

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:22.  To do it, click here. How did you do?

Fantasy Football:

To join our fantasy football league, click here.

Short Takes:

From Think Progress: [Michelle Bachmann] ”Well, President Obama is trying to bind the United States into a global economy where all of our nations come together in a global economy. I don’t want the United States to be in a global economy where, where our economic future is bound to that of Zimbabwe.”

Earth to Batshit Bimbo… Earth to Batshit Bimbo… Hello?  Is anyone there?  Doesn’t that goose-stepping fool realize that the US has been in a global economy for years?

From The Hill: The House and Senate should stay in session until they can pass an extension of unemployment insurance, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said Wednesday.

Brown urged leaders to keep Congress in session and eat into the holiday weekend and next week’s recess, if necessary, to pass a long-delayed extension of benefits and tax cuts that’s stalled in the Senate.

Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Hat-Tip Daily Kos: Here’s a campaign ad from Pamela Gorman.

Behold the face of the GOP!

Cartoon: from Cagle.com


What’s on tap for July?


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/1/2010”

  1. Congrats on your re-acceptance back into the prison rehab plan!

    Someone PLEASE make the crazy lady stop talking! She hurts my brain and now I’m gonna have to bleach it AGAIN. Between her and the Tundra Twat, I better stock up.

    I agree with Sherrod Brown that they should stay in session until the unemployment is passed. If they have to miss the 4th doing the work of the people, then that’s just tough shit. That’s what they’re paid for. And what is with the bi-polar state of Ohio – you have Sherrod Brown (good) and Boehner (very,very bad and stupid to top it all off). These people can’t decide what they want.

    Pamela Gorman – geez, another one with the voice! She sounds like a 5 yo child. And who runs a gun at full auto; is that some pseudo manly thing? What’s with the Christians and their f’ing guns? People will vote for her (especially in crazy AZ) because, just like Palin, she’s pretty. Heads out of asses people!

    Great cartoon, as always.

  2. Thanks Lisa.

    Machine gun the libruls for Supply-side Jesus. 🙁

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