Is Barton Sorry?

 Posted by at 3:28 am  Politics
Jun 242010

Joe “BP” Barton was sorry for apologizing to BP before he wasn’t, before he was, before he wasn’t.

24barton Earlier today, Joe Barton once again apologized to BP, Tweeting an article defending his apology under the header "Joe Barton was right." And just like last time, he swiftly retracted the apology, deleting the Tweet and retracting the reapology. This time, Barton’s spokesman is taking the blame, telling Greg Sargent that the office never meant to publicly promote the article on Twitter.

Without thinking about it much, I added a headline from one of the daily news clips to a website that is, in turn, linked to the congressman’s Twitter account. I won’t be doing that again.

The site in question is hxxp:// [oil pig delinked], a public website that promotes Joe Barton and his policy views. So even if Barton’s office never intended to push the article defending his apology on Twitter, it’s obvious they were publicly promoting it at on Barton’s site. And just like last time, now that it’s gotten attention, Barton’s office is trying to control the political damage.

It’s yet more evidence that Joe Barton meant what he said when he apologized to BP and that his retraction was about politics…

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Keith Olbermann and Chris Hayes discuss Barton, other GOP foibles and the trials of Teabuggery.

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Like I have repeatedly said, Barton was never sorry.  He was acting under orders from the GOP leadership.  That’s why he’s still ranking member on energy and will not be removed.


  2 Responses to “Is Barton Sorry?”

  1. Ok, he said it and then apologized and then his campaign sent out a tweet promoting it? Is that right because I can’t keep track of it right now. The GOP was just pissed because Barton exposed their true position on this. Notice, nothing happened to Barton, even though there were threats of removing him from his seat.

    These other assholes like King, saying the taxpayers should be on the hook for some of the damage is CERTAINLY a bailout. They can call it anything they want, but that’s what it is. Hayes is right, we’re not dealing with Joe Shmoe oil company; this is BP and they have plenty of deep pockets. For the GOP to be saying this is extortion is ridiculous – you made the mess, you get to clean it up. Kind of like the mantra, you broke it, you bought it. Not to mention, if the taxpayers are on the hook for this, where are we going to get the money? We’d be adding to the deficit that they’ve been screaming about since Obama took office. They clearly don’t know wtf they are doing and/or saying.

    • Lisa, I think Barton was under orders to put up a trial baloon.

      They don’t know what to do. Oil spilled on the GOP long before it gushed into the Gulf.

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