Poll Results – 6/17/2010

 Posted by at 2:17 am  Blog News
Jun 172010

Here are the results of the Gulf Guilt Poll:


And here are your comments:

From Otis on June 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm


I also believe that the workers that saw failed testing, knew of faulty equipment, had direct knowledge of corner cutting practices and anything along those lines. I do have a caveat, to this, however. People in those positions should be the LAST people prosecuted using the deals, payoffs, political favors, etc. that all of the others I hold responsible (Which is all but Cheney and Obama) will use if prosecuted.

I don’t hold my breath on criminal prosecutions, however. A group of about 11 execs successfully destroyed 10 years of economic prosperity, and no charges were filed. Don’t get me started on the last Administration, either.

Money is not only speech in this country, it is also justice. Sorry, TC, the truth hurts (the Middle Class most of all)


From Otis in reply to Otis on June 15, 2010 at 11:52 pm


And for those wondering why not Cheney, it is because as VP, he had no real power, and he made no decisions on Haliburton’s board. What he did behind the scenes, or off the radar, I can only speculate. Speculation is not enough to bring charges against someone in this country.


From SBT on June 8, 2010 at 12:36 pm.


Can someone explain to me why this oil disaster is President Obama’s fault…and I will verify through research,


the statements given?


From Grung_e_Gene on June 2, 2010 at 2:29 pm.


This is The Right’s New October Surprise/ Dick Cheney


personally asked Halliburton engineers to sabotage the Deepwater Horizon in the hopes the damage would undercut President Obama…


From Cellophane on May 31, 2010 at 2:40 pm


Those who were responsible for the safety of the wells. Those are the ones who should be charged with (at minimum) negligent homicide. That includes all the execs of the various companies who ran the site and the MMS inspectors who were supposed to ensure the safety of the procedures.

I voted for:

BP execs, because they cut more corners than a DINO has GOP fleas.

Bush, for giving Cheney free reign.

Cheney for gutting MMS, packing it with oil cronies, and letting Big Oil right their own regulations.

Halliburton execs, because they botched the cement job.

MMS inspectors, because they let company men write their own inspection reports.

Transocean execs, because they operated the rig.

I would change my vote for Transocean, because I have since learned that they tried to stop at least some of the corner cutting, but BP had final authority.

There is a new poll for your enjoyment.  Please vote.


  2 Responses to “Poll Results – 6/17/2010”

  1. I voted with you but forgot to comment.

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