May 262010

Yesterday I felt tired and groggy, when I returned from my sleep study.  After posting two pieces, I returned to bed and spent most of the day there.  Therefore I fell behind on replying to comments and returning visits.  Today will be little better, because it’s my volunteer day, co-facilitating a therapy group for former prisoners.  If I can start to dent the replies to comments afterward, a shall.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:48.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From TPM: Carly Fiorina has suddenly leapfrogged into a big lead in the California GOP Senate primary — no doubt leading to corks spontaneously popping out of champagne bottles at the DSCC.

If elected, could she trash America as effectively as she trashed HP?

From Common Dreams:

The White House, the Pentagon and Democratic legislators have agreed on a path to allow gays to serve openly in the US military.

Legislation will be sent to Congress repealing the controversial "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy.

But, if passed, the repeal will not be implemented until after the Pentagon completes a review of its impact on the armed forces.

This is the most progress I gave seen toward giving LGBT individuals the choice to serve in the open with honor.  It has been too long in coming.

From Raw Story: The Republican governor of Virginia has quietly changed a state law last month that would teach gun safety to elementary school students, mandating that it use a gun safety program run by the NRA.

Fifty years ago, I learned gun safety from the NRA, so I know their gun safety programs can be excellent.  But today, I wonder how much of the instruction will be be diverted to indoctrinating kids with GOP propaganda.


Happy hump day!


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/26/2010”

  1. Sorry you’re so itred; I have insomnia, so I know the feeling……

    Good articles! Diane

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