May 232010

Yesterday I kept up with replying to comments and returning blog visits, and I visited a large part of our blogroll as well.  I hope to do the same again today, but I may not get as much done.  I’m doing laundry while researching and writing.  It involves several trips up and down stairs, because the machines are on a different floor.  Due to my COPD, that tires me considerably.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:24.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Bay Ledger: Environmental activists are calling on US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to halt Shell Oil’s plans to begin exploratory drilling in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas off the coast of Alaska in July.

Salazar is expected to make a final decision sometime after May 28 following completion of a safety review ordered by President Barack Obama.

All offshore drilling should be suspended, pending a safety investigation of each site at oil company expense.  Deep water drilling should be suspended altogether.

From AP/Google: Republican Charles Djou (duh-JOO’) has won a Democratic-held House seat in Hawaii in the district where President Barack Obama grew up.

The GOPers are crowing to beat the band on this one.  What they won’t tell you is that Djou won with 36% of the vote in a field of fourteen candidates.  Infighting among several Democrats in the race split the vote.  We’ll get this seat back in November.

From Raw Story: a recently discovered cache of plants, initially pegged by officials speaking to local news as "one of the largest marijuana plant seizures in the police department’s history," turned out to be a relatively common prairie flower of little significance.

Texas officers ultimately spent hours laboring to tag and remove up to 400 plants from a city park, discovering only after a battery of tests that they had been sweating over mere Horse Mint, a member of the mint family — effectively turning their ambitious drug bust into mere yard work.

Horse Mint does not even look like marijuana.  If they’re already that stupid in Texas, imagine what it will be like there after their bogus education curriculum takes effect!


Have a fine Sunday!


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/23/2010”

  1. Texas – you shouldn’t be harvesting marijuana unless you know what it looks like – just an fyi. And thanks for wasting the taxpayers money on that one.

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