May 232010

Frankly, Dudley was not that great a Center.  But how would he be as a governor?

Chris-dudley Why does Republican Chris Dudley want to be governor of Oregon? He never demonstrated much interest in politics before he decided to run for governor, frequently not even bothering to vote; so, why the sudden interest? Does the former NBA backup center miss the spotlight? He still doesn’t understand even the most basic of Oregon political facts.

Jeff Mapes, of The Oregonian:

Republican Chris Dudley Thursday seized on a new report on Oregon’s budget crisis to criticize his Democratic opponent, former Gov. John Kitzhaber, for putting the state in debt to balance the budget during the economic downturn of 2001-03.

However, Dudley was wrong in blaming Kitzhaber for the borrowing.

Actually, Kitzhaber fought legislators of both parties – and particularly Republican leaders, who ran both chambers when he was governor – for wanting to borrow money to pay the state’s operating costs.

Dudley’s own party supported the borrowing, but Kitzhaber did not. He fought it, the Republican legislature passed it, and it was signed into law after Kitzhaber left office… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Frankly, I think Mapes is being overly generous by accusing Dudley of ignorance.  After all, how many times have we seen Republicans accusing their opponents for the very things their own party had done?  Is this not a standard GOP tactic?  I think Dudley is merely demonstrating his Republican pedigree: an absence of integrity.

Fortunately, Kitzhaber should beat him handily.


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