May 222010

Yesterday I kept up to date on replying to comments and returning visits.  I also visited part of our blogroll. Today, I hope to do the same.  I was saddened that we did not get more traffic yesterday, especially considering need to spread the info in the Rand Paul piece.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 5:15.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From McClatchy DC: An Obama administration task force formed this week to determine how much crude is surging into the Gulf of Mexico from a wrecked oil well includes an engineering professor who’s told Congress he believes the spill is far larger than originally thought, but not a representative from BP, the oil company responsible for the spill.

BP already has more than enough input.  In addition, they have a direct conflict of interest, and have already demonstrably falsified data about the spill in an attempt to minimize their accountability.

From The Atlantic: After getting himself into trouble on Rachel Maddow’s show on MSNBC, and everywhere else, Rand Paul has decided to cancel an interview on Sunday’s "Meet the Press" rather than risk further damage. It’s pretty amazing that a guy who embraced the role of national face of the Tea Party movement with such enthusiasm is crashing and burning so spectacularly.

I understand that the Kentucky GOP has told Son of Tinfoil Hat to STFU.  Doesn’t he realize that it’s against GOP family values to be honest about racist, sexist, and corporatist views?

From Common Dreams: Officials at the Environmental Protection Agency are considering whether to bar BP from receiving government contracts, a move that would ultimately cost the company billions in revenue and could end its drilling in federally controlled oil fields.

Although I support the policy, I feel saddened that it comes several disasters to late.  Also, it should be intended to include Transocean and Halliburton.


What’s up for the weekend?


  6 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/22/2010”

  1. The rule is, Paul to-morrow and Paul yesterday, but never Paul to-day.

  2. Rand Paul is even kookier than his dad – and after the disaster on Rachael’s show, I don’t doubt he’s gone into hiding. What a douche.

  3. Well, Ron Paul was, I think, a pretty cool cat for a Republican.

    I believe he wanted us out of Afghanistan.

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