May 212010

Yesterday I caught up on replying to comments and returning visits for the previous two days.  I have a few errands to run today, but should at least stay up to date.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:50.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Salt Lake Tribune: But under the gaze of a portrait of Ronald Reagan, Sen. Bob Bennett told reporters Thursday that mounting a write-in bid would further split the Utah Republican Party, put a huge financial and emotional toll on his family and friends, and in his own words, add to the "toxic," nasty environment already simmering in his home state.

"If I were to do it that would revive all of those passions and divide the party in the state of Utah in a way that might leave wounds that would go on for months if not years to follow," Bennett said.

Too bad.  A split GOP would have been nice.

From Common Dreams: The US government Thursday ordered BP to use a less toxic dispersant on the expanding Gulf of Mexico oil slick, as fears mount over the scale of the environmental disaster off the southern coast.

What about the 800.000 gallons already released?

From Me:  The oil has reached the wetlands.


Thanks, BP!




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