Poll Results – 5/15/2010

 Posted by at 2:16 am  Blog News
May 152010

Here are the results of the Bankster Regulation Poll.


And here are your comments:

From Lisa G. on May 5, 2010 at 7:50 pm.  


I voted for all the same as everyone else, except I want TBTF broken up. After $100M, you don’t get any size efficiencies, just more risk. And the argument that they have to compete with other world banks is complete bullshit. If other countries want to take on TBTF, let them.


From Kevin K. on May 4, 2010 at 10:08 am


I agree with TWM. Look at where payday lenders pop up – low income areas. I would rather see a bunch of pawn shops, because at least they take something in return.

I had also had a change in mind. I had initially thought having a FCPA run by the Fed, but considering everything I am reading about, I am coming to the conclusion that the Fed would not act in the consumer’s best interests…

I also think the Federal government should regulate ratings industry. Why let the banks rate themselves?


From TWM on April 30, 2010 at 6:32 am


While the TBTF banks are heinous and need be broken up it is the payday lenders that are the most predatory among the folks who don’t have a dime in the market or a 401k to retire on…in other words it is them who take the most from the folks least able to afford it.

The only disagreement was on whether or not to break up the TBTF banks.  I voted to break them up, because TBTF equals too big not to corrupt Congress.

I have to say that I’m disappointed that only seven people voted.  Our polls did much better at the old location.

The new poll is so easy that even a caveman Republican could do it.


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