May 112010

Yesterday I kept up with comments and returned visits.  Today, I have volunteer paperwork to do, so we’ll see how the day goes.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:57.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Raw Story: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced Monday he will stand down as Labour leader by September, and that his party is to hold formal talks on a power-sharing deal with the Liberal Democrats.

Brown said he would "ask the Labour party to set in train the processes needed for its own leadership contest" but he would "play no part", adding he hoped a successor will be in place for Labour’s annual conference in September.

I understand that the Liberal Democrats demanded Brown’s head as a precondition to discussing a coalition.  Bravo!

From The Borowitz Report: Howling in protest over Obama Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan’s lack of judging experience, leading Republicans today urged the President to withdraw Kagan and instead nominate Paula Abdul.

“The American people have had years of watching Paula’s judging expertise, and they know that she is fair,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. 😉

Paula Abdul, whack-job though she may be, would be an improvement over Roberts, Scalia, Thomas or Alito.

From Maine Politics: An overwhelming majority of delegates to the Maine Republican convention tonight voted to scrap the proposed party platform and replace it with a document created by a group of Tea Party activists.

Dang!  Poor Maine!  Now the only reason I’d go to the other Portland is to meet Kay.


What’s up this week?


  3 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/11/2010”

  1. I’d like to see Ellen on the SCOTUS. Could you see her dancing in there everyday. She would kick Scalia’s, Thomas’, Roberts’ and Alito’s asses. Plus, court would be so much more fun.

  2. An excellent cartoon!

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