May 082010

Yesterday I replied to all comments and returned visits to everyone with a blog.  So I’m finally caught up.  Today I hope to visit at least half the blogroll, but I had bad-air time earlier and slept little.  Hopefully my second sleep segment will be better.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:51.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Common Dreams: Oil giant BP has successfully lowered a giant concrete-and-steel box over a ruptured well that has been spilling hundreds of thousands of tonnes of crude into the Gulf of Mexico.

If successful, it will temporarily contain about 85% of the oil flow.  I hope and pray it works.

From TPM: Investigators for the panel were holed up in a Las Vegas hotel yesterday, where they interviewed several key figures in the case, KLAS-TV reports. A woman "who looks just like" Cynthia Hampton, Ensign’s former mistress, was seen entering the hotel, accompanied by her husband’s lawyer, Dan Albregts, says the station. She stayed for two hours.

The noose is tightening.  I hope they aren’t forgetting the criminal rolw played by his C-Street cronies.

From Politico: Look for President Obama to name his Supreme Court pick Monday, and look for it to be Solicitor General Elena Kagan, a former Harvard Law dean. The pick isn’t official, but top White House aides will be shocked if it’s otherwise. Kagan’s relative youth (50) is a huge asset for the lifetime post. And President Obama considers her to be a persuasive, fearless advocate who would serve as an intellectual counterweight to Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Scalia, and could lure swing Justice Kennedy into some coalitions.

I prefer Diane Wood, because she is more progressive than Kagan.


Have a great weekend!


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