May 072010

Yesterday I attended my final session of pulmonary boot camp.  When I returned, I caught up replying to three days of comments.  I plan to catch up on returning visits today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it tool me 5:17,  To di it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Hate Watch: Fox News made the alarming claim this morning that 2,158 Americans are murdered every year by undocumented immigrants.

Problem is, it’s almost certainly wrong.

In response to our request for comment, a Fox News spokeswoman said she would look into precisely where that number came from. (We will update this post when we hear from her.)

I hope they are not holding their breath, while they wait for a reply.

From TPM: In Louisiana, Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) has been a vocal critic of federal spending under President Obama, but as the state closest to the undersea leak, he already has requested various forms of federal disaster assistance. He’s also anticipating the possibility that British Petroleum either won’t, or won’t have to under the law, foot the the full cost of all the damages associated with the spill.

As much as my heart breaks for the people of Louisiana, perhaps financial aid should be delayed until they vote out all the GOP monsters who brought this on them.  After all, they elected the creeps.  Should elections have consequences?

From Crooks and Liars:

It’s about time he got behind this!




  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/7/2010”

  1. TC, you can’t withhold aid for LA just because Jindal is a douche. Give them the aid and then force him to go on camera saying that the big bad GOVERNMENT saved your ass with a big ass pile of money to help with the clean up. The teabaggers and Repubs head will spin off their necks trying to make sense of that.

    • But, he’ll go on camara and say he got the aid, so state resourses could be invested in Drill, Baby, Drill. πŸ™

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