Teabuggery Pays

 Posted by at 2:24 am  Politics
May 022010

Someday the Teabaggers will realize what dupes they are.  Until then, some of America’s most vile villains will rake in the dough.

Teabaggers-No Whatever your opinion is of the Tea Party movement, one thing is blatantly clear: Being a high-profile "leader" of the small-government movement is huge business.

[Yahoo! News] The movement’s popular appeal (according to the mainstream media) stems from grass-roots outrage over the bailout of America’s financial system, the expanded role of government, and the growing deficits. But the Tea Party has also been aggressively promoted by conservative media, political leaders and advocacy groups β€” and its broad appeal has  blurred the distinctions among the three.

A year into this fledgling political movement’s life, reports are emerging of the huge money being made by Tea Party leaders.

Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck lead the pack of personalities capitalizing on ignorance to earn very easy money, but a few new faces and a few old faces are also getting into the game.

Sarah Palin

Who: Former governor of Alaska, Fox News contributor, author, speaker

1 year Tea Party-generated income: $12 million


Glenn Beck

Who: Fox News host, radio host, author, speaker

1 year Tea Party-generated income: $32 million


Dick Armey

Who: Former House majority leader, former lobbyist, chairman of FreedomWorks

1 year Tea Party-generated income: $550,000


Andrew Breitbart

Who: Web publisher, author, pundit, speaker

1 year Tea Party-generated income: $500,000-plus


Fox News

Who: cable news and opinion network

1 year Tea Party-generated income: unknown


The "movement" most of us see is a small faction of supposedly well-to-do ignoramuses who are furiously angry about nearly everything and display a unique tendency to reduce complicated issues down to moronically simplistic catch-phrases that are often misspelled but easy to shout. The key point to articulate is that these "real Americans" don’t realize they are being played for fools by their so-called "leaders"… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <The Vile Plutocrat>

I hope that someday these poor fools come to their senses.  Sadly, you can lead a Teabagger to wisdom, but you can’t make him think.


  6 Responses to “Teabuggery Pays”

  1. One thing that will not register is the amount of wealth they are generating for their “heroes” and where they are being led to by them.

  2. The more money they spend to hear these idiots/douchebags speak, the less they’ll have to form a real party and get their agenda on the plate. Good luck assholes.

  3. Sadly, these jokers have plenty of money. They will spend any amout they think necessary for no other reason than they hate. For the most part, they don’t even know what they are hating. They just hate.

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