May 022010

Tom122007_Painting_Painting I’ve heard that the right wing is trying to compare Obama attending the Correspondents’ Dinner with Crawford Caligula’s fiddling while New Orleans drowned.

First, once we realized that BP had lied about the size and severity of this disaster, ordained in Cheney’s secret meetings with oil company executives, Obama has deployed competent people to deal with the disaster to the maximum extent possible.  Except for a wishy-washy position on offshore drilling, his response has been praiseworthy.

Second, there is nothing that his failure to attend the dinner could have done to lessen the plight of Gulf Coast residents.

I intended to watch, but alas, I was so tired I slept through the whole thing.  Fortunately I found his speech in case you missed it too.

Part One

Part Two

I think Obama was both funny and wise in what he said.


  8 Responses to “Obama’s Correspondents’ Dinner Speech”

  1. Bush’s Katrina was caused by a natural disaster that could have been avoided in sufficient monies had been given to shore up the levies. Obama’s Katrina was caused by a corporation disregarding safety rules. There’s a big difference between the two.

  2. Obama killed in that speach – I was LMAO!

  3. Funny guy! Yes, he has writers to make the jokes, but his delivery was classic great timing.

  4. I saw the speech on TV. It was fine. Even funny. I think Mr. Obama is a hard man to roast.

    Meanwhile, Mr. President, listen up, Sir:

    The solution to the BP oil spill is so simple that a fool like this one can figure it out..

    Forget telling BP to work more quickly on a capping of the huge well.

    Now, Mr. President take a drink of something bracing. Here is my solution:

    Your have submarines, nuclear and conventional in the area, no?

    I suggest firing one or two well-aimed torpedoes at the pipe breaks.

    If this doesn’t work fire at the wellhead itself. Cause a large hole.

    Seawater pressure will keep the well from further gysering. All this can be done in 24 hours.

    I will send you the bill

    Ivan Prokophuk, M.A.

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