The MLK Memorial

 Posted by at 1:43 am  Personal, Plus
Apr 142010

MLK If you’ve read the ‘About Me’ page here, you know that, during the sixties, I was an activist for Civil Rights and against the Vietnam War, was heavily involved in MLK’s Vietnam Summer, was present at two of his greatest speeches, and actually met Dr. King on several occasions.

A memorial for this great American is under construction in Washington, DC.  Yesterday I received an email from Lowell Dempsey.  It was actually a second email.  I did not receive the first due to my computer crash last week, or if I did, I lost it in the shuffle of rebuilding my computer.  I consider it too important not to share it in its entirety,

Hi again Tom

I sent you an email last week and I didn’t hear back so I wanted to try you again. I’m reaching out to ask if you would help spread the word by posting about the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., National Memorial on Politics Plus. This month of April marks the 42nd anniversary of the death of Dr. King and we are commemorating his life and work by creating a memorial in our nation’s capital. The Washington, DC, Martin Luther King, Jr., National Memorial will honor his life and contributions to the world through non violent social change.

I’ve put together this micro-site to help get the message out – there are videos, photos, banners, and even a web toolbar that, when used, donates money to the creation of the memorial:

After many years of fund raising, the memorial is only $14 million away from its $120 million goal. If you are able to post or tweet about this please let me know so I can share it with the team. If you have any questions please pop me an email. And if you are able to help, thank you so much.


Lowell Dempsey,

Twitter @mlkmemorial

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity"

–Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

You probably also know that I do not ask for money, not for me or for anyone else, because I want Politics Plus to be about truth, not finances.  However, I will say that, in spite of poverty, I made a small donation.  I would encourage to at least spread this around.

Thank you.

Apr 142010

In Oklahoma, they just might.

brogdon-militia The Associated Press reports that Oklahoma tea party leaders, “frustrated by recent political setbacks,” are working with right-wing Republicans in the Oklahoma legislature to create a new “volunteer militia to help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty.” State Sen. Randy Brogdon (R-OK) and State Rep. Charles Key (R-OK) have met with tea party leaders, like J.W. Berry of the Tulsa-based OKforTea group, to plan legislation for a state-authorized militia. Brogdon, who is running for Governor and sponsored the right-wing anti-health reform “state sovereignty” resolution in his state, explained that he believes his anti-federal government militia has constitutional backing:

The founding fathers “were not referring to a turkey shoot or a quail hunt. They really weren’t even talking about us having the ability to protect ourselves against each other,” Brogdon said. “The Second Amendment deals directly with the right of an individual to keep and bear arms to protect themselves from an overreaching federal government.”

But critics say the tea party militia idea could “throw fuel in the fire of radicals.” Even some Republicans are opposed to Brogdon’s initiative. “If the intent is to create a militia for disaster relief, we have the National Guard,” said Sen. Steve Russell, (R-OK), a retired Army lieutenant colonel. “Anything beyond that purpose should be viewed with great concern and caution.” Indeed, the news of the state-sponsored militia movement arrives shortly before the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, on April 19.

Berry, the tea party leader who first solicited support for the militia, has posted rants against President Obama: the “Muslim President” — a “reincarnation of Pol Pot” [Teabaggers delinked] who is trying imprison [Teabaggers delinked] Americans for resisting health reform. One ominous posting from Berry says that his militia should “launch a thousand guerrilla attacks on the plans that these people have to ruin us and our country.”

Both Berry and Brogdon lean heavily on far right propaganda and media outlets to fuel their conspiracy theories. Berry frequently cites conservative news outlets like CNS and notes that he draws inspiration from the white supremacist thriller The Turner Diaries. [Teatraitors delinked] Despite his extremism, Berry has met with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) and other members of the Oklahoma Republican delegation, and counts them as “rock solid.” [Teabaggers delinked] [emphasis original]


Inserted from <Think Progress>

Defending a state from the US by force of arms sounds like a Civil War Redux to me.  Ed Schultz interviewed this … person.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Ded you notice how he tried to weasel out of answering the question, but refused several opportunities to deny it?

Apr 142010

This could be fantastic news!

photosynthesis Scientists have made a fundamental breakthrough in their attempts to replicate photosynthesis – the ability of plants to harvest the power of sunlight – in the hope of making unlimited amounts of "green" energy from water and sunlight alone.

The researchers have assembled genetically modified viruses into wire-like structures that are able to use the energy of the sun to split water molecules into their constitute parts of oxygen and hydrogen, which can then be used as a source of chemical energy.

If the process can be scaled up and made more efficient, it promises to produce unlimited quantities of hydrogen fuel, a clean source of energy that can be used to generate electricity as well as acting as a portable, carbon-free fuel for cars and other vehicles.

Replicating photosynthesis – in which plants convert sunlight into a store of chemical energy – has been a dream of the alternative energy business for decades. The drive was given an extra boost yesterday with warnings by the US military that there could be serious global oil shortages by 2015.

Splitting water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen is seen as a critical first step in this process of artificial photosynthesis. Although it is possible to split the molecules using solar electricity, the process is not very efficient. In the latest study, scientists were able to split water directly with sunlight, without using solar panels…

Inserted from <Common Dreams>

It will likely be a few years before this becomes commercially viable.  My biggest fear is that, since greedy US corporations often choose against developing products that do not turn an immediate profit, the process will be sold overseas.

Apr 142010

Yesterday, I replied to comments and that’s about all.  I was late to my doctor appointment because bus #1 was 10 minutes late, and bus #2 was over 5 minutes early.  GRRRR!!  I had to wait over an hour for the doc to squeeze me in.  Feeling tired out, I rested.  Don’t expect much today, because I co-facilitate a therapy group for dormer prisoners.  The therapist with whom I have been working retired last week for medical reasons, and this will be my first week working with her replacement.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:40.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Newshounds: Fox News would rather interrupt President Obama’s news conference than let its viewers miss a moment of Glenn Beck. After all, he might come up with a new way of calling the president a socialist racist who is destroying our country.

Can you believe that the actually did that?!!?

From Public Policy Polling: Only 28% of voters in the country say they approve of the current direction of the GOP with 51% disapproving. Even among voters who identify with the party just 54% say they like where it’s headed. It’s predictable that Democrats would give it very low marks but even among independents just 18% think the Republicans are headed in the right direction while 49% dissent.

That’s a 28% idiocy rate.

From Daily Kos: According to a recent CBS News/New York Times poll, the vast majority of Americans do not perceive that they have received a tax cut from President Obama. Asked if the President “has already raised taxes this past year,” 53 percent of those polled said that the President has “kept taxes the same,” and 24 percent think that the President has “raised taxes.” A mere 12 percent believe that the President has cut their taxes.

This is an astonishing level of misunderstanding. The truth is that the major tax cuts enacted in the 2009 economic stimulus bill actually reduced federal income taxes for tax year 2009 for 98 percent of all working families and individuals. These tax cuts saved working families and individuals an average of $1,158 on the tax returns they will file by April 15.

The GOP just keeps repeating the lie that Obama increased their taxes, when the exact opposite is true.


Happy hump day!


Thank You Tina Fey!

 Posted by at 2:55 am  Plus, Politics
Apr 132010

After a very intense lead story yesterday (Please read, if you have not.), here’s something light.  Wave at cousin FatCat. 😉

Doesn’t Tina do a wonderful job channeling Mooseolini, The tweeting tundra twit?

Apr 132010

If they follow through with this, it’s a win-win scenario.

workharder Liberal Democrats see an opportunity to reassert their power in the Senate this spring on the Wall Street reform bill, after being forced to swallow a series of compromises on everything from health care reform to jobs legislation.

A group of Democrats, joined by Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois, are planning an aggressive spring offensive to strengthen key provisions of the financial reform bill — and daring Senate Republicans to vote against them.

“Given that [large financial firms] steered this country into the ditch, it’s going to be very hard to stand up on the floor and say don’t do financial reform or do it without teeth,” said Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.). “There are a number of people in our caucus who feel like there are things that can be done to strengthen it.”

Liberal Democrats believe widespread frustration across the country with Wall Street bailouts will make it difficult for Senate Republicans to mount a full-scale opposition to the legislation, particularly as voters near the midterm elections this fall.

Those tricky politics, they believe, offer an opening to move to the left the legislation that passed the Senate Banking Committee last month — a chance the caucus lacked on health care, which divided the electorate and prompted an outcry from conservatives who rallied against the bill to voice their opposition to President Barack Obama.

Unions, consumer groups, party activists and liberals on Capitol Hill see regulatory reform as a win-win issue: They get either a strong bill or a strong campaign argument for the midterm elections.

“If they pass something and it’s relatively strong, it’s seen as a big victory for consumers, and if they get a strong Republican pushback, electorally Democrats think they would benefit from it,” said a Democratic aide for a member involved in the effort.

Their efforts conflict with those of Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and party moderates, who are pushing to focus more on compromising with Republicans. Dodd has spent months in negotiations with Republicans on his committee, trying to craft a deal that could fly through the Senate with significant bipartisan backing… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Politico>

Dodd’s bill is to Finance what BARF (Baucus Against a Real Fix) was to Health Care.  Even if the Republicans can successfully filibuster a strong bill, that will drive a wedge between the leadership and the Teabaggers.  They hate Wall Street.  Let the GOP defend their protection of their corporate masters to voters.

Apr 132010

It amazes me that anyone even believes this SOB.

Boner Repealing healthcare reform will be Republicans’ "No. 1 priority," their House leader said Monday.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said that repealing the healthcare legislation passed in Congress last month and signed into law by President Barack Obama would be the GOP’s top priority if it wins back control of Congress this fall.

"They got everything else in the entire bureaucracy that they need to control our healthcare system … with the signing of this bill," Boehner said during an interview on WFLA’s "Bud Hedinger Show." [GOP delinked] "That’s why repealing this bill has to be our No. 1 priority."

Republicans have talked up a strategy of "repeal and replace" in the weeks since health reform became law, promising to act to repeal swaths of the new law, and replace them with reforms for which the GOP had pushed throughout the healthcare debate… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Hill>

To overcome Obama’s veto would require a 2/3 majority in both the House and Senate.  Even in Limpy’s least flaccid wet dream. that won’t happen.  You decide: is he a lair or a fool?

Apr 132010

Yesterday I kept up with comments and returning visits.  I did a little visiting too.  I could have done more, but I’ve been going nonstop since I got my computer back, and I’m tired.  Don’t expect much today, because I have medical appointment and need to do some preparation for co-facilitating tomorrow’s group.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:25.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Raw Story: No, Hillary Clinton will not be President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.

That could have been interesting.

From McClatchy DC: China on Monday indicated for the first time that it might back new U.N. sanctions against Iran, giving a significant boost to President Barack Obama as he opened a 47-nation summit called to energize global efforts to prevent terrorists from obtaining materials for use in a crude nuclear weapon.

However we deal with Iran, without China’s cooperation, It won’t work.

From NY Times: The Senate on Monday agreed to consider a temporary extension of unemployment benefits after four Republicans joined Democrats in voting to debate the proposal, which has become the focus of an intensifying fight over deficit spending.

Four Republican senators — Scott Brown of Massachusetts, George V. Voinovich of Ohio and Susan Collins and Olympia J. Snowe of Maine — joined Democrats to overcome the legislative standoff that had resulted from Mr. Coburn’s objections last month.

Finally!!  Brown has surprised me a couple times this week.


What’s up this week?
