Apr 212010

Yesterday I cancelled my appointments for the week and went back to bed.  I got up for a short while and replied to comments.  I still feel quite ill.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

I could not focus on today’s puzzle.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?\

Short Takes:

From NPR: The acting leader of Tehran’s Friday prayers blames women for earthquakes. He says many women, who do not dress modestly, lead young men astray, which increases earthquakes.

This guy would fit right in with the American Taliban.

From TPM: House Minority Whip Eric Cantor endorsed Rubio this morning, joining the list of establishment Republicans that includes Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani.

The GOP is throwing all but the most extreme ideologues under the bus.

From Common Dreams: Dorothy Height, who in an 80-year campaign for social justice became the grande dame of the civil rights era and its great unsung heroine, died Tuesday morning at the age of 98.

Condolences to her family.  She will be missed by all people of good will.


Happy Hump Day!


Teabuggery on Display

 Posted by at 2:44 am  Politics
Apr 202010

Teabuggery was on display in force yesterday, as the GOP celebrated the original Tea Party Patriot, Timothy McVeigh.



Let’s start with GOP presidential hopeful, Tom Tancredo:

Another day, another teabagger rally filled with regular folks concerned about their taxes and whatnot. Oh, and the main message from their keynote speaker, former congressman Tom Tancredo, who said:


… Americans have reached the point where “we’re going to have to pray that we can hold on to this country” … “If his wife says Kenya is his homeland, why don’t we just send him back?”

But don’t be too hard on old Tom … this isn’t the first time he’s suffered a meltdown in public…

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

The day would not be complete without input from Mooseolini herself, the tweeting tundra twit:

A certain former half-term governor appears to be drifting even further away from the American mainstream. Over the weekend, appearing at an evangelical Christian women’s conference in Louisville, Sarah Palin rejected the very idea of separation of church and state, a bedrock principle of American democracy.

She asked for the women — who greeted her with an enthusiastic standing ovation — to provide a “prayer shield” to strengthen her against what she said was “deception” in the media.

She denounced this week’s Wisconsin federal court ruling that government observance of a National Day of Prayer was unconstitutional — which the crowd joined in booing. She asserted that America needs to get back to its Christian roots and rejected any notion that “God should be separated from the state.”

Palin added that she was outraged when President Obama said that “America isn’t a Christian nation.”…

Inserted from <Washington Monthly>

The GOP also used the occasion to roll out a whole new lie.

…Republicans are horrified that President Obama has a secret plan to pass this tax, and are shouting from the rooftops (of the nearest Fox News building) how strongly they’re going to oppose it. The facts that Obama himself has come out against the idea, and it seems to have virtually no support in Congress, have not gotten in the way of Republicans doing so, either…

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Finally, from Think Progress we have video of some gun toting Teabaggers at an armed demonstration just across the Potomac from DC.  Their own words indict them far better than I could.

Is the next Tim McVeigh in that group?

If McVeigh could see today’s GOP celebrating the day he made infamous, he would feel proud.

Apr 202010

Yesterday I felt like something the cat forgot to bury.  Today, so far, is the same.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

I tried, but could not focus enough to finish.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From Times Online: GOLDMAN SACHS, the world’s biggest investment bank that is now assailed by accusations of fraud, is poised to reignite controversy over bankers’ bonuses by paying its staff more than £3.5 billion for just three months’ work.

Does the image of a runaway locomotive speeding toward a train wreck come to mind?


Have a good one.


Happy GOP Day!

 Posted by at 2:06 am  Editorial, Politics
Apr 192010

oklahoma-city-bombing Fifteen years ago today, an extreme right wing terrorist, Timothy McVeigh, with Terry Nichols, bombed the Oklahoma City Federal  Building in what was the worst terrorist attack in our history, and remained so until extreme religious right wingers flew airplanes into the twin towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.  Republicans, in the guise of their Teabagger lackeys, are celebrating McVeigh today with Second Amendment demonstrations in and just outside of Washington, DC.  Since the seditionist lies that GOP party leaders like Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Michelle Bachmann, and many others seem designed to inspire violence against the US government, I have labeled April 19 as GOP Day to recognize their vision for America: War, hatred, greed, racism, homophobia, and intolerance.

Also today, Rachel Maddow is narrating a special: “The McVeigh Tapes: Confessions of an American Terrorist” at 9 PM EDT on MSNBC.  I suspect she will properly link McVeigh to today’s extreme right.  She has made the MSM quite nervous.

rachel_maddow It’s hard to read faces, but voices are even harder to gauge. Timothy J. McVeigh, the anti-government extremist who killed 168 people in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, had a calm, almost reassuringly matter-of-fact way of speaking. He could have been a building inspector, a driving instructor or a Persian Gulf war veteran, which, of course, he was, having earned a Bronze Star before he went completely off his head.

“See, with these tapes, I feel very free in talking ’cause I know you’re using the information appropriately,” McVeigh told a journalist in a prison interview. “Here, I’m just letting it all come out.” The reporter, Lou Michel, co-author of “American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing,” shared 45 hours of those taped prison interviews to MSNBC.

“The McVeigh Tapes: Confessions of an American Terrorist,” which will be shown on Monday, the 15th anniversary of the bombing, comes at a time when right-wing militia groups are on the rise, or at least more audible, and heightened anti-government talk is heating up anti-anti-government fervor. McVeigh’s descent into violence is presented as much as a cautionary tale as a commemoration.

“Nine years after his execution we are left worrying that Timothy McVeigh’s voice from the grave echoes in a new rising tide of American anti-government extremism,” is how the MSNBC commentator Rachel Maddow, who narrates the film, puts it in her introduction.

But strangely, this film, which claims to be the first ever to present McVeigh in his own words, blunts its impact by relying on stagy computer graphics, and even an actor whose looks are digitally altered, to re-enact McVeigh’s movements. Scenes of this domestic terrorist in shackles during a prison interview or lighting a fuse inside a rented Ryder truck look neither real nor completely fake, but certainly cheesy: a violent video game with McVeigh as a methodical, murderous avatar…

Inserted from <NY Times>

Not having seen it (yet), I can’t say, but I have never seen anything she did that was not superior in quality.  Watch it if you can.

In the meantime, happy GOP day to you all.  Try to keep yourselves sane by avoiding Teabuggery in all its forms.  I hope that the Republican base (all that’s left, really) will be content to hunker down for some Faux Noise and commit no more atrocities.


Strange Bankster Bedfellows

 Posted by at 2:05 am  Politics
Apr 192010

When one speaks of strange bedfellows, it’s usually a metaphor, but not among Banksters.

goldman-sachs Friday, as news of the allegations of fraud at Goldman Sachs spread, I got a call from someone who works in the insurance business.

"Check out the former head of ACA" he said referring to the now-defunct and formerly down-graded bond insurer who asked the-not-so-omniscient hedge fund manager John Paulson to choose which securities to put into the CDO, Abacus, that Goldman Sachs subsequently sold to two big clients, the German bank IKB and the Royal Bank of Scotland — without disclosing that Paulson would be shorting his own hand-picked stocks on the other side of the trade.

Now the SEC’s complaint states that ACA had no idea that Paulson was shorting the stocks he’d been asked to select, yet my deepthroat was not so convinced.

"ACA had a horrible reputation," he told me, which led me to ask the obvious question so why would Goldman want ACA’s stamp as selection manager on the CDO they were marketing? Fabrice Tourre, the 31-year-old named as the architect of Abacus, is quoted as insisting that Goldman wanted ACA’s brand name and "credibility" on the CDO.

My source told me to check out who the head of ACA was married to. "I think you’ll find it’s a senior woman at Goldman Sachs," he said.

Well, yep, it is.

Alan S. Rosenman took over ACA Capital as president and CEO in 2004 – because — wait for it — his predecessor Michael Satz had "personal income tax issues" — (how murky is this story going to get you must be asking?)

According to a Business Week article dated April 3 by David Henry and Matthew Goldstein, Rosenman "immediately began to push ACA into CDO insurance, an area his predecessor, Satz, had only begun to explore."

Rosenman’s wife, or at least partner — they are listed as sharing a house together for which they paid $6.1 million in 2005 in New York — is Frances "Fran" R. Bermanzohn, who is managing director and deputy general counsel at … Goldman Sachs.


I called Mr. Rosenman who gave me the illuminating statement: "I am not offering any comment at this time."

I asked him, did he ever disclose their relationship to buyers of Abacus? Did she? And Could ACA really therefore not have known about Paulson’s activities?

"No comment."

One thing that is certainly puzzling is that if ACA did know, then why on earth would it have issued protection on the so-called "superior senior tranche" which turned out to be of course anything but ‘super senior," thanks to Paulson betting against it — and ACA went bust in December last year?

But, just as much as the SEC is claiming Goldman should have disclosed that John Paulson had hand-picked stocks he was choosing to short (which means, by the way, in case anyone has missed this point, that Mr. "supposed-good-guy " Paulson just made one billion dollars off the back of the German tax payer who had to bail out the German bank IKB on the back of its collapse) so too this relationship should have been disclosed. That it is not mentioned in the SEC’s complaint strikes me as being very odd.

I was still waiting for Goldman Sachs to respond as this article went to press… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

The issue had reached a turning point.  Should we be considering Too Big to Fail or Too Big to Jail?

Apr 192010

Yesterday I kept up with comments and went back to bed.  I’m feeling under the weather and am running a fever, so what happens today will depend on how I feel.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:30.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From TPM: "We ought to go back to the drawing board," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on CNN Sunday morning. [topic: Financial Reform]

The GOP are a broken record.



 Comments Off on Open Thread – 4/19/2010
Apr 182010

If Comcast gets NBC, what would happen to the few rational voices remaining in broadcast news, like Maddow, Olbermann and Shultz?  Here we may have a hint of what will be:

comcast-nbc Comcast is fighting its way through a battle to acquire NBC and related assets (including MSNBC) without being deemed a monopoly (which they are, and should be barred from owning NBC). For a preview of how dangerous it is to have one corporation control access to the Internet and cable TV, have a look at their new joint venture: RightNetwork. [Teabuggery delinked]

Check out the slick ads, the Kelsey Grammer intro, and please have a look at their debut reality series called "Running".

What isn’t apparent at first blush becomes apparent while watching the promo. They call it a reality show, but it’s really just a big teabagger campaign ad wrapped up in a half-hour broadcast and packaged for the web, mobile and cable broadcast.

They have a slick little "lookbook" you can download (PDF) for an overview of what they’re about. Nice piece of marketing literature. They’re marketing themselves as the "anywhere, anytime" network for "engaged people".

On television, through partners including Comcast, RightNetwork delivers programming on demand that enables our audience to watch what they want, when they want. Everything Right, at the click of a remote. the lineup focuses on entertainment with pro-America, pro-business, pro-military sensibilities — compelling content that inspires action, invites a response, and influences the national conversation.

There’s this quote from Ed Snider, Chairman of Comcast-Spectacor:

We’re creating a welcome place for millions and millions of Americans who’ve been looking for an entertainment network and media channel that reflects their point-of-view. Rightnetwork will be the perfect platform to entertain, inform and Connect with the American majority about what’s right in the world.

When they launch, they’ll have lots of content, since they’ve been embedded with the Tea Party Express for its tour across the country. The YouTube channel has video from key tea party locations… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s a brief clip of what we can expect.

How would you like to get this Teabuggery instead of Rachel, Keith or Ed?
