Apr 302010

Yesterday I walked a couple miles completing my errands and was tired out when I returned home.  I kept up with comments, but got no visiting in.  Today I plan to catch that up.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:47.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From TPM: Florida Gov. Charlie Crist has just officially announced that he is leaving the Republican primary for Senate, and is instead running in the general election as an independent.

Even when someone goose-steps with all but the most draconian measures, they are not welcome in the GOP.

From Raw Story: While there’s not yet any indication as to what caused the disasterous explosion that sunk a British Petrolium drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico, right-wing radio personality Rush Limbaugh has come up with a rather coy suggestion: "environmentalist wackos" did it.

The great one hath bloviated.  Let the peons parrot.




  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/30/2010”

  1. I’m glad Charlie Crist left the Repug party – he doesn’t belong with those wackos. The Repubs told him he couldn’t come back to the party – not that he’d want to.

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