Apr 292010

Yesterday I caught up on comments, but go not visiting in.  I felt very tired. I got a new coffee maker.  Setting it up took a masters degree in engineering, but it was a welcome addition.  I was sick of instant, which  had been drinking since the old machine dies Saturday morning.  Today I have morning appointment.  I’ll have to see how they go.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:48.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Common Dreams: In a groundbreaking decision that some say will usher in a new era of clean energy, U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said today he had approved the nation’s first offshore wind farm, the controversial Cape Wind project off of Cape Cod.

I understand that the Kennedys and other northeastern blue-bloods objected to this, because they don’t want to see it from their mansions.  Tough!

From Daily Kos: Speaking of stupid, according to Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC):

"The president is the one who put the kibosh on working together, and now he’s just trying to use the mainstream media to confuse the American people. The fact is I think he thinks Americans are stupid, and he’s going to play this out until he gets a headline in every paper that Republicans are obstructionist.”

Unbelievable!  We lefties have been tearing out our hair in frustration over Obama’s repeated and fruitless attempts at bipartisanship!


Have a great day!


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/29/2010”

  1. They say that from the shore, these wind farms will look only a 1/2 inch tall – I think they can get over that.

    I think DeMint is stupid not the American people. Well, I do have to qualify that statement, the teabaggers are stupid, racist and bigots and want to lead us back to the 18th century. If that isn’t stupid, I don’t know what stupid is.

    Did that rating sheet come from Moody’s or Standard and Poor’s. Maybe they shared it.

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