Apr 282010

Yesterday, I caught up on comments after another doctor’s appointment.  I may have achieved a breakthrough.  After fighting my way through denials by two receptionists and a nurse, the doctor said she might consider kosher, organically grown chickens.  I hope to get some visiting done today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:59.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From McClatchy DC: At least 100 protesters walked out on former congressman Tom Tancredo as he spoke Monday night on the values of Western culture at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Bravo!!  That was over half Tancredo’s audience.

From Think Progress: For the first time since 2004, the biggest Wall Street firms are now giving most of their campaign donations to Republicans.

What a surprise!


Happy Hump Day!


  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/28/2010”

  1. The whole world is watching the racist immigration laws which must be stopped. There will be a boycott from my friends family and colleagues until the racist laws are gone. Keep up the good work protesters.

  2. The Tancredo short is priceless!

  3. To aid in your bartering battles WRT poultry for physicians, I hope your aware of the “Lowden Plan Chicken Barter Calculator”


    • Hi Nameless. Have seen and love it. Though I trust negotiatians will never get that far, I did get my doctor’s receptionist to visit the site a couple days ago. She thought it hilarious.

  4. Kevin, on this one, I agree with you? When did Tancredo get out of jail. That toupee is as bad as the AZ governor’s wig. You have money – get a decent wig that doesn’t look like you have a dead squirrel perched on your head. Jeez!

    I’m falling off my chair that Wall Street is giving money to Repubs. Help, I can’t get up!

  5. I was heartened to hear that Mayor Coleman of Saint Paul has taken a public stand against SB1070.
    First he has issued an order banning city-funded travel to the state of Arizona. In addition, he is urging both the DNC and the RNC to boycott Phoenix as a choice for national conventions. Other cities are making the same statements with their budgets in opposition to Arizona’s racist law. Also, people are writing to Gov. Brewer to inform her that they will be choosing other winter destinations.
    This kind of scapegoating during hard times is abhorrent! I am glad people are speaking out against it.

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