Oregon for Peace

 Posted by at 3:00 am  Politics
Apr 262010

Thankfully, the visit to our state by Mooseolini the Misanthrope was not the only event of note here.

jody-williams-OSU Nobel laureate Jody Williams sat on the stage, wearing a T-shirt, jeans and black cowboy boots with teal stitching. She dangled one leg over the edge, swinging her foot as she spoke to an audience that packed the Memorial Union Ballroom.

"Real, sustainable peace is not just the absence of war. Real, sustainable peace is a world in which people’s basic needs are met," Williams said. "War is just powerful people wanting other people’s resources. War is not glorious."

It was Williams’ second time participating in PeaceJam, an international education program that works with Nobel Peace Prize winners to engage young people in volunteerism and encourages them to transform themselves, their communities and the world. About 300 students, teachers and college mentors attended the two-day PeaceJam conference at Oregon State University.

After the speech, students rushed the stage… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Common Dreams>

Her message is wise indeed.  When you think about it, the GOP is fighting an undeclared war against the American people.


  8 Responses to “Oregon for Peace”

  1. The tundra twat got paid $250/person which came out to be $250K for all the people there listening to word salad. She was SUPPOSED to be raising money for the Repub party – what did they get out of it? A measly $10K. Sounds to me like she’s a shitty fundraiser, but lines her pocket pretty damned well.

  2. I think we get it that Palin is in it for the fame and funds. But this grabber on Jody Williams is brilliant. Thanks TC.

  3. She raises money for the Repuglickers’ party?

  4. Williams has a good point there. If everyone is satisfied with their lot in life, there is no room for warfare (of any type).

    Republicans seem to believe that keeping everyone scared and desperate will keep them (the republicans) in power. Eventually, that power will fail, or be rolled over by another more powerful group. I’m not saying that could be a good thing – it could easily go either way.

    This is one of the reasons they fight any type of reform (healthcare, financial, you name it)- if the current system changes, and more american’s lots in life improve, they instantaneously become completely and irrevocably irrelevant.

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