Apr 262010

Yesterday I felt a little better.  I caught up on replies to comments and returning visits.  Today I may not.  I have to go to a doctor appointment.  What I wouldn’t give for a rubber chicken.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:47.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Raw Story: Oil is leaking from the ruptured well of a large rig that exploded, burnt and sank in the Gulf of Mexico earlier this week, the US Coast Guard said Saturday.

The Coast Guard estimated that up to 1,000 of barrels of oil, or 42,000 gallons (158,987 liters) were spewing each day from a riser and a drill pipe, prompting further concerns of damage to Louisiana’s fragile ecosystem, already stressed by hurricanes and coastal erosion.

Offshore drilling is hazardous to living things.

From Ashville Citizen-Times: Asheville Regional Airport police arrested a 23-year-old Ohio man who was carrying a handgun and listening to police radio scanners near the runway around the time President Barack Obama’s flight was leaving Asheville, according to investigators.

Joseph Sean McVey, of Coshocton, in southeastern Ohio, pulled his vehicle in front of a gate in the rental car parking lot as Air Force One was taxiing on the runway just before 2 p.m., according to a case summary filed by police.

Pray for our President.  The GOP’s minions are seriously out to get him.



Worse yet, it was so slow for news, it’s double-Mooseolini day.


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/26/2010”

  1. As far as the oil rig, what the Hell did they expect. That was the reason it was banned in the first place. I just wish the drill baby drill queen Sarah would be made to help clean it up.

    The Blooming Idiot who seems to have been planning an assassination attempt on President Obama will be the loonies new Poster boy “For America”.

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