Apr 252010

Yesterday I caught up replying to comments.  Today, I’m feeling a little better, and unless I feel the need to rest later, I’ll try to get some visiting in.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:46.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: In Illinois, a telemarketer recently sold an elderly woman a fraudulent health insurance plan that supposedly protected her against “death panels,” the state insurance director says.

That’s criminal!  Teabuggery in the first degree!!

From Common Dreams: Vermont lawmakers made clear Friday that recently enacted federal health care reform did not go far enough toward a public model, passing legislation that could bring to the state the "public option" health insurance rejected by Washington or even a Canadian-style single-payer system.

By a vote of 91-42, the Democratic controlled House passed its own version of legislation passed earlier by the Senate. Both bills call for designing a single-payer system, in which a government agency would administer and make all payments for health care.

Vermont may become the best place in the US to live.

From Newshounds: In recent years, at least twenty Fox News personalities have endorsed, raised money, or campaigned for Republican candidates or causes, or against Democratic candidates or causes, in more than 300 instances and in at least 49 states. Republican parties and officials have routinely touted these personalities’ affiliations with Fox News to sell and promote their events.

Is it any wonder that I call Faux Noise the GOP Reichsministry of propaganda.


Enjoy your Sunday!


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/25/2010”

  1. Nice cartoon – depicts GS perfectly!

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