Apr 222010

Except for my morning posts, I spend the day in bed yesterday.  Today looks like more of the same.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

I didn’t even try.  To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes:

From TPM: Sen. John Ensign’s re-election campaign took in just $50 in contributions, from one contributor, during the first quarter of 2010, according to FEC reports. The paltry take comes as more bad news for the scandal-tarred Nevada Republican, who would run for re-election in 2012.

It would be criminal to allow Ensign to stay in office until 2012.

From Think Progress: DEMINT: I really think a lot of the motivation behind these Tea Party crowds is a spiritual component. I think it’s very akin to the Great Awakening before the American Revolution. A lot of our founders believed the American Revolution was won before we ever got into a fight with the British. It was a spiritual renewal.

Dang!  Spiking the tea with Kool-Aid is Teabuggery!


Have a good one.


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