The McVeigh Tapes

 Posted by at 2:46 am  Politics
Apr 202010

Last night I watched the special narrated by Rachel Maddow and found it excellent.  Here is the first segment:

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For those of you who could not watch it, you can see the whole special here.


  6 Responses to “The McVeigh Tapes”

  1. Tom, I began to watch it last night and then turned it off … reliving it made me so unhappy and tearful… and it keeps me wondering…”what next”? with all this militia, anti-government demonstration and implied violence.
    I went to college the last year of the Viet Nam war… I demonstrated in front of Bailey Hall in a sit in. We were arrested, fined and went back to class with it written on our records. I have faith in all the tenants of the Bill of Rights and our Constitution. I would stand up for any one of us to express and demonstrate them. Even the Tea Baggers. And it takes courage to even think this way while so much violence is espoused around it…. some much “Jesus” wrapping it all up…. so many haters! obvious racists. And when I went to school we dreamed of a time when anyone, any gender, any race would govern the country. And while these folks who despise that are not the majority… they are beating the shit out of my heart. It really does hurt. Gods.
    Thanks for posting this… at least I know where to return when I grow a set to watch it. I’m sure it was a very good presentation… NYTimes critiques can kiss ass. Jealous. Eh? LOL

    • Gwen, I understand how hard it is. As a demonstrator, I yelled unkind things, like, “Hey, Hey, LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?” It was my right, as it is the Teabaggers’ right to spread their lies. But when they start talking about violent revolution to overthrow the US government, something we never did, that’s moving out of free speech and into sedition.

  2. Great Job TomCat, I think a lot of others need to see this and this is the best place I can think of for them to come and have a look. I by coincidence wrote the whole story while connecting it to Mc Veigh indirectly, he was bullied at school where he developed a hatred for bullies and then he returned home from Iraq with PTSD, after which he turned his hatred for bullies on the Gov’t. Check out my post, you’ll like it.

  3. I watched the whole thing last night and it made me realize how twisted these types of people are. For McVeigh, an intelligent and articulate psycopath, to have been so emotionally affected by the events at Waco, only to turn around and kill and injure far more people in a senseless and pointless bombing he masterminded makes no sense at all. What did he accomplish with this horrendous act? Nothing. It didn’t alter our government one iota. He was, like other fanatical gun-enthusiasts, as well as many of the more militaristic malcontents in the teabagger groups, twisted and dangerous. People like this belong in institutions, not walking the streets freely with arms cocked.

    • Jack, I could not help remembering that ehen Gulf war vets returned from that brief war, the GHW Bush administration claimed that PTSD did not exist and refused them care. If only…

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